"Okay class, today everyone did a great job in the lab. Tomorrow is the quiz, so be prepared."
I walked around looking at how focused everyone was. I got a rush just looking my students put their all into their work. I looked at Kylie and Drew. They were always fussing, but I knew they would make up as quick as they got into it. I walked back over to the table where I had created more formulas. I was just about to highlight the ones that I thought would be beneficial when Dean Alexander walked in.
"Professor Alsina."
"Yes, Dean Alexander." I took my glasses off and stared at the older man.
"I need to speak with you in private for a few minutes."
I nodded and told the class that I would be right back. I looked over at Kylie and she looked nervous. I stared at her a moment longer and finally followed him out.
"Okay what is that you need to talk to me about." I folded my arms across my chest and stared at him.
"It's about one of your students."
"Kylie Smith."
"Okay...what about her? I mean she is a good student."
"Professor Alsina, another student found some drugs that dropped from her book bag this morning. The student was behind her and saw them fall."
"And how do you know that this student isn't lying?"
"Because their were other witnesses around that backed the student up."
I stood there not believing the shit that I was hearing. Kylie is a bright student. Why in the hell would she have drugs on her and what kind of drugs?
"So what are you saying?"
"She is going to be brought before the board."
"What? I mean you are taking the word of people and haven't even talked to her. I'm sure she has and explanation. Let me talk to her before you make any hasty decisions."
"Professor Alsina, I can't make any promises because we don't tolerate this type of thing here at GSU. Kylie will go before the board Friday. Have a nice day Prof. Alsina." He walked off just as quick as he breezed in.
I pinched the brigde of my nose and sighed. I really needed to find out what the hell was going on. I looked at my watch and I knew that class would be over in fifteen minutes. I walked back inside and everyone was cleaning up.
"Class don't forget to look over the equation worksheets for your quiz. There will be some of those on there as well."
I watched as everyone talked, but I noticed that Drew was trying to talk to Kylie, but it seemed like her mind was a million miles away.
"Hey, you go ahead and leave, but Kylie I need to talk to you for a minute."
Everybody was walking out and Drew stood and looked back at us. He looked one last time before walking out. I turned and looked at Kylie. She had an unreadable expression her face.
"Ky is there anything you wanna talk to me about?"
She didn't say anything. She took a seat and looked around quietly.
"Ky you know you can trust me. Whatever it is I got you. I just need you to tell me what's going on." I took a seat across from her.
"Prof Al-"
"No, Ky I'm Desire right now. Drop the Prof. Alsina."
"Desire I'm in trouble. There is so much going on in my home life and nobody knows. Drew knows lil bits and pieces, but not everything."

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...