Back On The Scene

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I stood in front of my class and smiled brightly at them. I looked up at Ky and Drew. They seemed to be doing well and I was glad that she was back at school. My morning sickness was taking a toll on me though. Everything that I ate this morning came back up. August wanted me to stay home, but I had already been gone for far too long as is.

"Okay class as you know its winding down and you guys still have a couple weeks to finish your projects. Also you need to be preparing yourself for exams. I will give you a packet with all the material that has been covered so you will know exactly what to expect on the exam."

"Prof. A how long is the exam going to be?" Lacy asked.

"Approximately a hundred and fifty questions that will be multiple choice, but you will have one essay quesstion."

"Aw lawd Prof. A. You gon' have my brain short circuiting tryna to remember all this stuff." Drew said.

"Drew." I said in a warning tone.

"I know you want me to shut up. So considered me shutting up." He said and ran his finger across his lips as if he was zipping it up.

I handed the study packets to one of my students in the front of the class and they passed them around. I was tired and I decided to have a seat. This pregnancy was really getting to me. I rubbed my temples and slid out of my pumps.

I looked up when I felt a presence over me and it was Ky. I smiled at her weakly and she looked at me long and hard. "What's wrong Ky?"

"I''m fine, but you are not. What's wrong?"

"I'm pregnant."

"I knew it!" She semi-yelled.

"You seem excited."

"I am because that means I get to babysit for you and I thought it was about time for you to have another one anyway." She looked at me and smiled brightly.

"Yeah, but lord knows this pregnancy is really wearing me out and this is just the early stage." I said trying to cover a yawn.

"Well maybe you need to take the rest of the day off and get some rest." Ky said before walking off.

I think Ky may be right because I am extremely tired and I can barely keep my eyes open.

"Class you can go ahead and leave for the day."

I watched tiredly as everyone grabbed their things and headed out. I looked at Ky and Drew as he waited for her to get her things. Young love was a beautiful thing. I noticed something buzzing with Quay and Lacy. I guess it is the season of love.

I stood and stretched as I gathered my things. I placed all the paperwork that I had in my attache' case and put my shoes on. I walked down the hall to my office and was stopped by Prof. Lanely.

"Prof. Alsina." She yelled almost out of breath.

I turned and looked at her as he held her chest from running after me. "Yes."

"Have you met the new Prof. over the English department?"

I scrunched my brows in confusion because I hadn't been here for last few weeks, so I was thinking how in the hell was I going to meet anybody. "Prof. Lanely, you do realize that I haven't. been here in a while, so it would be impossible for me to meet anybody."

"Oh I know, but I was meaning today."

"No I haven't, why?"

"Well because he is really nice and friendly not to mention very good looking."

"That's nice, but that doesn't do anything for me because I'm a happy marriedly woman whose husband happens to have a long list of qualtiies that that I love. Now if you will excuse me I really don't feel well." I turned and headed down the hall.

I turned the corner leading to my office and bump into someone." Oh I'm sorry." I looked up and I froze in a state of complete shock.

I stared at face that I hadn't seen in years and I couldn't believe I was seeing him now. I stepped back shaking my head as if trying to clear it.



"Bruh I'm telling you a random ass woman came up and asked me and my wife for a threesome. It blew me the fuck away, but it was disrepsectful because Day was right there with us."

"Damn that bitch was bold as hell, but I bet you she wanted Desire bad as hell." Twan said.

"I know because she was staring her down when we were at the mall, but hell I can't blame cause my wife is sexy as hell." I smiled as I stared at her picture on the desk.

"Aug I want you to keep it one hunnit with me. Would you ever want to do a threesome?"

I looked at Twan and thought about it for a minute. I really ain't in that sharing shit, but at the same time it would be a sexy sight to see. Just thinking about another bitch eating my wife's pussy as I sat back and watched her enjoy it didn't sit well with me.

"Twan I thought about it, but I don't need them kind of problems in my marriage."

"I feel you."

"Would you do it?"

I looked at Twan and he didn't say anything for a long time. That made me lean in my seat and stare at him like he was crazy. I had a feeling that he was about to tell me some shit I wasn't ready for.

"Twan...." I trailed off as I rubbed my chin.

"Ok look, Ned insisted that we had one, but this was before we got married. She said that she would rather do it before we got married than to do it after."

"I knew y'all asses were some damn freaks man. You got Desire and us beat by a long shot."

"Aye it is what it is, but you better believe Ned picked the girl. She was beautiful too, but at first I was like I didn't wanna do it, but after watching and paricipating, I have to say it was well worth it."

I shook my head and couldn't believe this shit. I just hope that shit don't come back and bite they ass in the ass. "So how was the Bahamas?"

"Man that shit was life bruh. I didn't wanna bring my ass back to the states." He chuckled.

"Hell I know you didn't and so much shit happened while y'all were away, but now Desire and I are finally seeing some peach."

"That's wassup. Y'all deserve it man."

"True indeed. Aye what y'all go going on ta'night because we need ta' get ta'getha."

"Shit nothing really."

"A'ight y'all should come over fa' dinner and bring my godson."

"Bet." Twan stood and dapped me .

I leaned back in my chair and thought about how good life was. I was happily married and baby number two was on the way. This is the life a nigga always wanted.

Welp my loves things are about to get a lil hectic. I been MIA on this story and wattpad, but I have been busy with so many things. I have about two more chapters and this book will come to an end, but........

And let me go ahead and say this real quick because some of my readers like to ask why or tell me who I should use for my characters, but I used Trey Songz because he is going to play the part well of Jacoby so if there is a problem with who I chose then you already know what you can do.

Excuse Mistakes!

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