I watched Desire as we drove down the road. She had put her hair in a ponytail and was bouncing her leg up and down. My wife was a force to reckon with. That's why I try my hardest now not to fuck up. Lately I have been doing good and I hope that I continue to do so.
I pulled into my momma's driveway and got out. I got Day outta of the back and he had fallen asleep. I rung the bell and was greeted with my nieces.
"Uncle Aug!" They said in unison.
"Wassup lil mamas? Where ya grandma?" I stepped inside.
"In the kitchen."
"Momma do you mind watchin' Day?"
"No, but what's going on?" She took Day from my arms and he slightly stirred in his sleep.
"One of Desire's students is in trouble and we are on our way to find out what's going on."
"Oh well be careful and make sure to call me."
"Okay momma. I love you."
"Love you too."
"Y'all come and give me some love." I yelled at my nieces and they came and attacked me with the biggest hug.
"I love y'all and I will see you later."
"We love you too uncle Aug and tell auntie Desire we love her too." Kay said and her sisters nodded in agreement.
"I will."
I walked back out to the car and got in. I backed out and grabbed Desire's hand. She looked at me and smiled weakly. I knew that all hell was soon bouta break loose. I could see the fire in her eyes.
"I wonder does this have anything to do with what happened with Kylie at school." She looked out the window.
"The way it sounds it more than likely does. Who do you think did this?"
"It could be anybody, but I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that it was her parents."
I gripped the steering wheel and I hoped like hell her parents wasn't that fucked up to do some shit like that, but seeing the shit I have seen in my life let's me know that its possible.
We finally pulled up to the address and I looked around the neighborhood. This was a nice ass area and I knew that Drew was only nineteen. That made me wonder what the fuck kinda job he had. Then the whip he was pushing screamed money. He had a black and chrome BMW 745. I was gon' have to chop it up with him later to find out what's up.
Desire got out and power walked to his door. I was right behind her. She rung the bell and Drew opened the door. He stepped back and let us in. Desire walked straight to Kylie's side and kneeled down beside her.
I looked her body and face over. Instantly I felt my anger curl inside me. I was ready to explode. I pushed her hair outta her face and she groaned in pain.
"Ky. Sweetie, who did this to you?"
She looked at me through the eye that wasn't swollen shut and a tear escaped. My heart was beyond broke at this point. I was ready to kill somebody.
"Desire I-oh my stomach!" She yelled out in pain.
"Call 911!" I yelled to them.
Drew was so upset he couldn't even dial the number. Aug grabbed his phone and called. I listened as August gave the operator the address and info. I looked back at Ky and she was holding her stomach in pain.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...