"Lawrence you got that address fa' me?"
"Bruh you and your wife are crazy as hell. I don't even know why people even fuck with y'all." He chuckled and gave me the address.
"I don't like bitch ass niggas, especially ones that do shit like he did. Even though it ain't my wife, the shit is effecting her really heavy and I don't like that."
"I feel you. Hell I would be doing the same shit. Where is Drew?"
"Hell he was just right here?"
"Ah hell. I bet he going after Ky's daddy." I said as I rushed down the hall.
I pushed the door open and Ky and Desire were in deep conversation.
She turned and looked at me. I guess the look in her eyes let her know something was about to go down.
"Ky I will be right back." She told her.
Ky nodded and we stepped outside.
"Listen Drew went after Ky's daddy and we gotta go find him. Drew so damn hot headed, but I feel him tho."
"August be careful." She looked at me with fear in her eyes.
"I will baybeh. I love you."
"I love you too." She stepped on her tip toes and gave me a lingering kiss. I pulled her close and held her for a second.
I grabbed her hand and pulled away to go handle this shit. I walked back up the hall and Lawrence and I headed out.
"Yo Aug you got yo glock?"
"Lawrence I stay with the heat." I got my shit out my truck and hopped in Lawrence's
We hit the highway just as my phone rung. I looked at the screen and it was my gangsta boo.
"Wassup OG?"
"Wassup young blood?" Sylvia said.
"Nothin' bouta go handle this light work. Whatchu got fa' me?"
"Its about Drew?"
"What about him?"
"You know that his older sister was beat and raped a couple years ago, but this is the thing. It was Kylie's daddy that did it to her."
"Son of a bitch!"
"Is Drew with you right now?"
"No I think he don' went to go find Ky's daddy."
"Well I'ma let you go, but I wanted to let you know that and also Kylie won't be getting kicked out of GSU. I got a meeting with the Dean in the morning."
"See that's why you the OG."
"Aye an old lady gotta stay on her shit."
We said a few more words and then I hung up.
"Lawrence this some deep shit. Drew's sister was raped by Ky's daddy."
"The fuck?"
"I know. That's what I said."
We finally pulled up and parked across the street. Good thing I had decided on wearing all black. I had gotten my ski mask outta my truck and placed it on. I put on my black leather gloves and headed up to the door. I could hear shouting and someone pleading for their life. I instantly knew that Drew was in there.
I walked around the back and Lawrence stayed near the front. I turned the knob on the back door and quietly stepped in. I looked ahead and Drew was standing over who I assumed was Ky's daddy with a gun. I don't know how the hell Drew knew where to find this nigga, but he did. I stayed in the shadows until I felt I needed to step in.

RomantizmTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...