I watched as they rolled my wife and son back in the ER. I felt so helpless and lost. I don't understand why all this shit keeps happening to me and my family. If something happens to them I won't be able to survive. I listened as the doctor's and nurses rapped off orders. I looked up and saw Nedra. When she saw who it was she leaned into the wall to steady herself. She took a deep breath in went into nurse mode.
I had already lost my family once and now I may be losing them permanently. I was so mad and hurt that I punched a hole in the wall. Heads turned, but no one dared to step to me right now. I had called everyone and they were on their way. I couldn't believe this was even happening. The police think that whoever hit her may have hit and ran because they were riding dirty. I had a bad feeling it wasn't the case. I already knew who was behind this shit and I was gon' destruct some shit.
I slid down in the floor with my back against the wall as I rested my arms on my knees. I had my hood pulled over my head as I stared blankly at nothing. I started thinking back to when we would sit down as a family for breakfast and Desire took care of me and Day. Seeing Day's smile brightened any cloudy day. I rested my head against the wall as I let my emotions consume me. I couldn't do this shit without my rock beside me.
All I could see was red because a bitch didn't get I didn't want her. I love my wife and if I lose my wife somebody losing they life. Hell somebody gon' lose they life regardless. I'm tired of muthafucka's messing with me and mines, but this time I have to place the blame on myself because none of this would be happening if I hadn't let that dumb thirsty girl get the best of me.
I looked up in the face of my momma and she kneeled down beside me.
"Momma I-"
I broke down and she held me in her arms as I cried for the hurt and pain that my family was going through because of one deranged bitch. I was beyond fucked up mentally and emotionally behind all this shit and I didn't know if I could stand. My momma pulled back and looked at me.
"August your wife and son need you to be strong. I know its hard because you feel lost and empty, but keep the faith and pray. In the midst of any storm prayer works and it changes things."
"Momma I wish Mel was hea' to help me through this. I need my brotha."
"Baby he is with you, right there." She tapped my chest and I looked at her as tears continued to stream down my face.
"I failed Desire and I feel like this is my punishment fa' hurtin' her. God knows I ain't mean fa' none of that shit to happen, but I got so weak and fucked everythang up. I gotta feeling the one that I fucked up with is the one that did this and I promise ya I'ma kill her."
"Now I see Yung coming out, but whateva you do be careful baby boy cause this lil ho' doesn't understand what's about to go down when you get all the pieces together. She just walked into hell and don't even know it."
I looked up and I saw all the family fastly approaching. I saw the question, hurt and pain on every face. I had a lot of explaining to do because I owed them that, but right now I had to find out how my wife and son were.
"Son what happened?" David asked as he choked back emotions.
"Desire was ran off the road and the car flipped, trapping her and Day inside."
"Was it an accident or someone meant to do it?" Sylvia asked with a keen look on her face.
I knew she knew it was more than accident and she was gon' get to the bottom of this.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...