Family Time

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I was getting Dayvion ready for our family day out while Desire was visiting with with my gangsta grandma. I put him on some lil polo jeans with a royal blue polo tee. He had on his white and royal blue 10's. I put is lil gold chain on that had a D on it with his gold bracelet. He was looking fly as always.

"You ready fa' ta'day?" I asked as I ruffled his curls.

He nodded and grinned widely.

"Well we waitin' on mommy to get back and we can head out. In tha' mean time lets make you a lil snack." I picked him and headed downstairs to the kitchen. I sat him on the counter by the fridge and pulled out a applesauce cup and a caprisun.

I sat down at one of the barstools and sat him in my lap. I started feeding him and he decided he wanted to do it on his own.

"A'ight lil Aug if you get anythang on these clothes we gon' have some problems."

He looked up at me like nigga who you talking to. I swear he getting his ways from me and I honestly don't know if that's good or bad. I smiled as he reached for his juice because he was struggling to get it. I slid it towards him and he grabbed it.

I was so into my son I didn't hear my wife walk in until I felt her lips on my neck.

"Girl them lips gon' get you in a lil trouble." I looked at her over my shoulder.

She smiled and started messing with Dayvion. He started giggling because she was tickling him. She finally stopped and hopped on the counter. She looked so happy and carefree. I was glad to see this side of her.

"What are you smiling about?" She asked.

"I'm smilin' because I like tha' fact that you are happy and I'm happy ta' have you by my side." I stared at her not breaking eye contact.

She reached out and caressed my cheek. "August I am so happy. You make me happy. Even though we have our moments here and there I'm still happy with you and I love you so much. And I'm so glad that you are by my side. No let's go have some family fun."

"Damn you more excited than our son is." I chuckled.

"I am excited now bring ya ass."

"Dayvion yo momma crazy." He nodded and grinned.

"Oh so y'all tag teaming on mommy now? Okay I'ma remember that." She smiled and I couldn't help but admire all that ass in them jean shorts. I finally got up and wiped Dayvion's mouth and hands. We headed out to my Range so that we could head to the aquarium.

We were headed down the road and Hot Nigga came on and Desire started dancing in her seat. I looked back and Dayvion was bobbing his head with his hands up in the air. He paused and looked at me then started back rocking to the music.

"Man if I wasn't drivin' I would put y'all asses on video. Y'all turned tha' hell up, but I love it tho." I smiled and made my way through the hectic traffic.

"Aw don't be jealous cause me and my baby getting it in." She smiled and winked at me.

She turned around and looked at our son and he was all into it.

"Turn up Day!" She nodded and watched him.

I laughed at they crazy ass, but I love my family dearly. I wouldn't trade them for the world.


I stood back and watched August and Dayvion as they looked at all the fish. I loved how he was with him. He was always so attentive to him. He was so hands on and I so loved that. I have to say that not only is a great husband, but he is a great father. They turned and looked at me. I smiled and August bent down and said something to Dayvion. The next thing I knew he ran over to me and tapped my leg. He then pointed to August.

"Daddy!" He yelled and tugged my hand.

"Daddy wants me?"

He nodded and grinned as he always does. I scooped him up and walked over to August and he put his arm around my waist. He slid his hand in my back pocket and I did the same to him. We stood there looking at the beautiful assortment of fish as Dayvion pointed and got excited about everyone that he saw.

August took Dayvion from my arms and held him, then grabbed my hand as we walked farther down. We talked and laughed about everything. I was so glad that we were doing this and we actually set the time aside to do this.


"Yeah baybeh."

"You remember what you asked me on the way to the Bahamas?" We stopped walking.

"Yeah about havin' anotha' baby. What about it?"

"I think its time. I'ma stop birth control after I finish this pack." I smiled up at him.

"Desire you sure?"

"Yes I am. I want me a lil girl."

"Ah hell that mean I'ma have ta' get my 9mm ready fa' this niggas."

"Hell me and you both."

"Thank you baybeh." He bent down and pecked my lips.

"Anythang for my baby."


I was sitting out on my patio sipping on some patron, when I heard the doors of my patio slide open. I looked back and smiled because she looked so much like my sister. I was so proud of her for all of her accomplishments. I just wish she would have went to college first before persuing her music career.

Even though she didn't I'm still proud of her because she is really talented. That she gets from her mother. When her mother died two years ago of a brain aneurysm, La'Asia started not give a damn about who she hurt or what she did. In the last six months she has been chill and I'm glad so far.

"Hey uncle Derrick."

"Hey babygirl. How are things going with you new music deal?"

"Oh everything is going quite well. I'm just waiting on everything to pan out the way I hopes it does."

"I'm sure it will."

"Oh I'm one hundred percent sure it will because of my hard work and how hard I'm willing to go. I'm not gon' stop until I get exactly what I want....."

Uh-oh I smell some dirty shit about to go down real soon.....

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