I had just finished getting dressed and I was waiting on Nedra to get back. She went to drop Ty off at her mother's I told her to just take him to my parents, but her mother wanted to see him. I already know that her and mother are buttin' heads as they have been since she introduced me a year ago. Her pops is cool tho and he knows about the wedding and everything. Her mother still doesn't know too much about nothing.
We were going out to eat tonight and just chill. August and Desire was gon' meet us at Benihana's. I had just put on my Rolex and sprayed some Gucci on when I heard the door slam downstairs. Ah hell. I thought to myself. I jogged downstairs and found Ned at the bar taking a shot of Patron. I knew then it was serious. I walked up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.
"Baby what happened?"
"The usual. She always has something to say about how I'm doing this or that. If it ain't one thing its another. My mother has never been satisfied with anything that I have ever done. When I graduated at the top of my class still she wasn't happy. I'm head nurse at Atlanta Medical and she complains about how I should have gone to school to be a lawyer. I fuckin' give up." She slammed the shot glass down and ran her hands through her hair.
"Listen tonight we gon' go out and chill. We gon' have a good time and relax. Leave all the problems here and just vibe wit our squad. Cool?"
She turned in my arms and wrapped her arms around my neck. She smiled that gorgeous smile and I smiled back. I placed my forehead against hers and pecked her lips over and over. I pulled back and bit down on my lip.
"You so mutha-mmm you so damn sexy."
"Well you can show me how sexy I really am later. Lets go before I wanna go up them stairs."
"Shiddd. You know we got time fa' a lil quickie." I ground into her.
"Naw I need more than a quickie. We goin' a marathon babe."
"Girl you gon' make me bend you over this counter and beat it out tha' frame. Then when we get to dinner you gon' have everybody wonderin' why you got that bow in them legs."
"Twan." She said in a warning tone.
"Okay. I'ma stop. Let's go. You look beautiful by the way." I complimented as I grabbed her hand.
"Thanks and you look scrumptious." She winked as we walked out to my black and chrome Escalade.
The car ride to the restaurant was silent, but not uncomfortable. Nedra just didn't know how happy she has made me and she don't know that the day that I propose is the same day we getting married. I know she still is wondering what's up with the ring, but I got everything planned out. I can't wait til that day. In a couple weeks it will be official.
A few minutes later we pulled up and I parked. I helped her out and we walked inside. The hostess greeted us.
"Good evening. Welcome to Benihana's. How many in your party?"
"Oh I had reservation for Mills for four people."
She looked on her log and highlighted my name.
"Are the other people here yet?"
"No they should be here shortly."
"Okay. Follow me."
We walked behind her and she seated us. We talked and ordered drinks as we waited for August and Desire to bring they slow asses.
"Desire what tha' fuck you doin?" I yelled into the bathroom. There was no reason for her to moving slow now because her ribs had finally healed so I don't know what tha' hell she was doing.

RomanceTrilogy to Love on the Line Final Book It has been one year since August and Desire tied the knot. They have one beautiful baby boy and demanding careers. They struggle to balance it all out, but it soon becomes difficult Everything is going good un...