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6 months before her death.

Kree Marcel
Paris, France
5 years later.

"Ugh! Yes deeper!"

I pushed her head down hitting her from the back. She clutched the sheets letting out a loud ear piercing scream. I picked up the pace a bit before ejaculating on her backside. I feel back in the bed causing her to began sucking on me once again. I bit down on my bottom lip letting her do what she does best.

"You missed me daddy?" She asked causing me to nod.

"I did." I licked my lips sexually as I let my eyes scan her body. For her to be 20 years older than me, she looked as if she was my age. The best part about it was her energy, and the reason why we're fucking on the low.

She continued to suck me up until a door slammed. We jumped up and looked at each other.

"Honey, you can't believe what type of day I had!"

I quickly got up from the bed and put my boxers on. I gathered my belongings with quickness running in their bathroom. The room door bursted open and in came my professor, Dr. Raphael Martine, he was also my mentor.

About two years ago, I went into business with myself. Being in Paris made me experience a lot of new things. One of those things being cigars, I loved to smoke now and it was therapeutic to me. I figured, if I take what I love and flip it, I'd be more successful. So right now, I'm under Dr. Martine wing to start my cigar company called Marcel's Cigars Co.

"Raph, why are you home so early?"

He paused, "Let's just say I had a very bad day. Why are you naked Ella?"

Ella Martine, the wife and co owner of Dr. Martine's restaurant in Lyon, France. I met her just a year ago, and that's when all this started.

I walked from my dorm room smoothing out my suit. Checking my watch, I cursed under my breath knowing I was late. I quickly jogged to city hall, where I was meeting Dr. Martine and the rest of his crew. He had took a liking into me, and he really wanted to see me succeed. I was appreciative too, because I was always alone in Paris.

Making it to the stairs, I smoothed out my suit once again and fixed my tie. I slid my hand across my curly hair and smiled before taking a quick picture. I sent it to my mom and placed the phone in my pocket. I opened the door going in to see a lot of people. Most of them working the party and socializing.

"Bonjour, comment puis-je vous aider monsieur?" The concierge asked smiling at me.

I cleared my throat, "Savez-vous où je peux trouver le Dr Martine? On m'a demandé de le rencontrer ici."

She nodded, "Juste par ici."

"Merci." I thanked her before going in the direction she appointed me. I nervously took deep breaths before opening the doors. I went in the room trying not to make it so obvious that I was new here. It was hard though, because my nervousness said it all.

"Ah oui, Mr. Marcel!" Dr. Martine said spotting me. I thanked God and placed a smile on my face as I made my way towards him. He smiled at me and gave me a warm hug.

"Bonjour, Dr. Martine." I bowed to him causing his colleagues to nod in approval.

"We can speak english, if you would like." Dr. Martine spoke in his heavy french accent.

I nodded, "Please."

"Very well then, Dr. Augusta and Dr. Francois this is Kree Marcel. He's in my business and management class. He graduates this year." Dr. Martine said causing them to nod and clap.

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