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Devin Cross
1 week later

"Dang, what you smiling for?"

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"Dang, what you smiling for?"

I asked Zoey as she entered the house smiling. I mean she always smiled, but something was different.

"No reason, but where's Heaven?"

"At the store with Olivia." I said as I grabbed my wallet. "I wanna know what's up with you though. All I see is those thick ass gums."

"Boy hush." Zoey laughed, "I just feel really good okay?"

"If you say so." I chuckled, "You ready?"

She nodded.

1 hour later

"Bruh who got you smiling at the phone like that?"

"No one." She looked up.

"Yeah okay." I chuckled as I ate my fries. We were at the food court, and she wasn't even eating. Her phone kept blowing up and she would just start texting. Honestly, I knew she had something going on but I was gonna let her tell me on her own time.

"My bad." She put her phone down.

"You straight." I said as she finally began to eat. I watched her phone light up again and she picked it up before laughing. I watched her start texting again and I shook my head.

"Okay, I'm done for real now." Zoey put her phone in her purse and she looked up at me. "So, was the burger good?"

"Mhm." I said sitting up, "You just glowing. Skin all shiny and shit."

She laughed, "That's a good thing right?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I wanna know what it is."

"I'll let you know in due time. I don't wanna speak on it right now cause it's still fresh." She said and I nodded.

"Fair enough."

We continued eating for a bit before we started our convo up again.

"I want a puppy." Zoey said out of nowhere and I laughed.


She shrugged, "I just really want one. But I won't pay two thousand dollars for no damn dog."

"Shit me neither." I laughed and we high fived each other. Her phone started ringing and she looked at it and stood up.

"I'll be right back."

I watched her walk off smiling at the phone and I laughed. Not my sister finding love, but I'm happy for her.


I looked up to see Kairi standing there smiling. I smiled at her and stood up to embrace her in a hug. I honestly haven't seen her in years, and she's pregnant? Man it's been so long and she's still beautiful. I felt myself about to start reminiscing.

"Kairi," I looked her up and down, "I just...man...how you been? You still look the same."

"So do you." She laughed, "Is that a bad thing or good?"

"Good." I chuckled, "Congrats on the baby."

"Thanks, same to you. Your daughter is really pretty. She's your twin." Kairi laughed and I nodded.

"True." I laughed, "Sit."

Kairi sat in Zoey seat and I looked up at her. Dang man, it's been like five...six years since I last seen her.

"So, what you doing in Miami?" I asked and she smiled.

"Well I just moved down here, I want to live closer to Kree. My Dad is down here as well. We finally decided to make the big move."

"That's awesome, but where's you know? Your baby daddy?" I asked curiously. She laughed before she looked down.

"We not speaking, and he doesn't care for real. It's crazy, but yeah. What about you? Got a girlfriend or anything?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, her name Olivia." I said and she nodded.


"Sorry Devin, I'm leaving." Zoey said running over to the table. "Hey Kairi! But Devo I promise I'll make it up to you."

"You straight Z, go ahead." I said and she pecked my cheek before walking away.

Kairi and I looked at each other before laughing.

"So..." I grinned, "I guess its just you and me?"

"Guess so." She smiled.

"Come on." I said causing her stand up. I grabbed her shopping bags and we walked began walking around together.

Zoey Gibson
2 hours later
Kree house.

"I'm serious."

"Whatever." Kree laughed as I laid in his arms. We were cuddled up watching Catfish and he was tryna go to sleep on me. Like why call me over just for you to go to sleep?

"Kree wake up." I grabbed his face and he laughed poking his lips out. I pecked them and he nuzzled up close to me. I started kissing his neck and he smiled.


"Kree." I mocked him and he opened his eyes. I began kissing him again and he kissed me back. I pulled away from the kiss and he was literally falling back asleep. I let him fall asleep on me and I got real comfortable.

Kree phone lit up and I shook him. He continued snoring so I just left it alone. It kept on lighting up so I reached over and grabbed it.


I looked down at him before unlocking his phone. The screen lit up and I saw all their messages. I didn't wanna go through his phone, so I decided not to scroll. To be honest I just wanted to see what Ariana wanted with him.

Let me in.

I looked down at Kree before moving out of his grip. He stirred a bit and I put my shoes on. I walked to the front of the house and saw someone's feet under the door. I unlocked it and became face to face with Ariana. We looked each other up and down before she walked in.

I followed her to the back where he was sleeping and saw her shake him. He hummed and she pulled his arm again. He opened his eye and I stood in the corner watching them.

"What you doing here?" He mumbled.

"I need to talk to you." She whispered and he waved his hand off.

"There's nothing to talk about." He looked around, "Zoey come here."

I walked up to him and he opened his arms for me. I slid into him and he closed his eyes again wrapping his arms around me. Ariana stepped back and looked at us for a minute.


I shrugged, "You know your way out. Leave us alone, we're done with you."

"I hope both of y'all die." Ariana said taking the lamp off his nightstand and throwing at the television. It broke and Kree didn't even care, he scooted even closer and continued sleeping.

I waved at Ariana and she shook her head at me. Once I heard the front door slam I pecked Kree lips and held onto him. This dick all mines now, Ariana better get with the program.

Thoughts on Zoey?

Thoughts on Devin and Kairi?

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