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Ariana Shade
1 year later


"Ariana wake your ass up. Over here hollering some damn no."

I sat up in bed and looked around seeing Olivia holding Jace.

"Hi mommy." Jace waved smiling at me. I smiled back at him before reaching my hand out to grab him.

"Another nightmare?" Olivia asked rubbing her hand through her hair.

I nodded, "Strange, very strange."

"Well get up, Josh is coming to get Jace in ten minutes."

I pulled myself up from bed putting my robe on. Jace followed me into the bathroom and I stopped and looked at him.

"Mommy has to use the bathroom Jace." I said slowly tryna close the door in his face.

"No." He poked his lip out bawling his face up. He reached for me and I sighed.

"Go to Liv, Jace." I said closing the door just to hear him burst into tears. I hated hearing my baby cry, but I had to use the bathroom.

I went and did what I had to do and washed my hands. Next thing I know, the door opens and in walks Jace.

"Did you open that door yourself?" I asked in shock.

"Yes." He nodded sucking on his pacify. I smiled before picking him up and pecking his cheek causing him to giggle. I walked back through my room walking straight towards the kitchen.

"Jace!" Josh said coming through the front door.

"Da da!" Jace yelled wiggling down from my arms. He took off running and jumped into Josh arms.

"Bye to you too then." I laughed as Josh walked over to me. He leaned down and pecked my lips before smiling.

"You look beautiful as ever this morning."

"Yeah right." I laughed, "So, how was work?"

"Lame as always. But you know I'm still tryna find new places to look at so I'm not quitting."

"Understandable. So what should I wear for our date? The red dress or the blue one?"

"Red." He grinned.

"Fine." I grabbed his face and kissed him. "See y'all later."

"Bye mommy."

I waved blowing kisses at Jace as he left with Josh. I chuckled to myself before turning around to see Olivia smirking at me.

"Y'all are so cute. What's taking so long?" Olivia smiled and I laughed.

"We taking things slow. I don't wanna rush into anything just in case I'm not fully prepared you know?"

"I understand." Liv nodded.

"Why you worried bout me, what's up with you and Devin?" I asked causing her to roll her eyes.


"Uh uh, don't do my brother like that."

"Girl he's just been everywhere like ugh. He really just seem like he don't want this relationship anymore and I'm not feeding into his energy. Everytime I turn around it's something you know? Plus he's started having playdates with Kree sister daughter."

"Ugh," I gagged, "I wish that he'd cut ties with them already. It's just like so irritating."

"As long as he not messing around with her I don't care. Plus I don't hate the girl, she's never gave me a reason to." Olivia shrugged.

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