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April 23

Ariana Shade
Two months later

"Happy Birthday to Ariana, Happy Birthday to you!"

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"Happy Birthday to Ariana, Happy Birthday to you!"

Devin, Zoey, my parents and my co workers sang. Today was my 23rd birthday and I was so excited for myself. This past month has been good to me, I have me an small apartment and I have my own car and everything. I got a job at a local beauty salon and it pays me well. I just been being happy a lot lately.

"Happy birthday!" Zoey screamed as she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back laughing at her outburst.

Yeah, that's right, Zoey and I are back friends. Long story short, we saw each other at a starbucks and she came to me and apologized. We ended up having a very needed heart to heart and ended up in tears. After that, we pretty much just started back hanging around each other. It was good, because I really needed a friend at the time.

"Where's Kree? Is he here?" My Dad asked and I shook my head.

About Kree, well let's just say we don't talk anymore. I haven't heard from nor saw him since the fight with Umbrella. He stopped talking to Zoey as well, and now he only talks to Devin. Devin told me that Kree said there's no beef, but he'd rather keep his distance. Which I was pretty upset about, because even though we have our ups and downs he would always do stuff for my birthday.

Except for when he was in paris.

"Kree about to stop by, he dropping off Heaven to me." Devin said and my dad nodded.

I never understood why my dad liked him so much. The most I've cried is because of Kree but my dad swear up and down he's a good man. My dad and Carmelo are very good friends, but I try to tell my dad all the time that Kree is nothing like Carmelo. He's just like that biological father of his though.

"Ariana, I bought you this." Joshua, my friend, said handing me a small box. "I hope you like it."

"Josh you didn't have to." I smiled before opening the small box. It was a beautiful diamond necklace. "This is gorgeous! Thank you Josh."

"No problem, I overheard you talking on the phone one day about someone not reaching out for your birthday and how upset you were. So I figured, I could be the guy to cheer you up and make sure you have a happy birthday." He smiled at me.

"Thank you." I pecked his cheek and pulled him into a hug.

So yes, Josh and I are friends with benefits. I mean we moved a bit fast but that's only because I haven't had sex in a long time. So when I got comfortable with him, it led to other things. No one knows about us but Zoey, but lately I've been thinking about making it official. We've talked about it, and in order to move on from Kree it to get under someone else.

"No problem." He whispered, "That's not all I have planned."

I blushed, "Stop."

He laughed and the door to the restaurant opened. My dad rented it out so nobody was in here but the people invited. I turned around to see Kree, he and Heaven were dressed alike in their gray sweats and white shirts. He even had her on a small pair of nike slides. So was so fucking cute man.

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