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Kree Marcel
December 23

"Kree Marcel."

I got up from the musty ass bench and walked out the cell. Officer Shade looked at me and I put my head down. I was embarrassed, but I didn't regret shit. I wanted to kill him, and he better be lucky that Bri saved his ass.

"What happened?" Arthur asked as he walked me to get my stuff.

"That nigga spit in my face." I shook my head feeling angry all over again.

"Calm down, but you better hope he doesn't press charges."

I shrugged, "At this point it's whatever and whenever I see his bitch ass I ain't controlling shit. I'ma let all that anger out and i'ma kill that nigga."

"Shh, you're making threats." Arthur handed me my bag. "Come on, you have people waiting for you outside."

He walked outside the building and sure enough there was. Bri, Zoey, Tania and Kairi. I was surprised to see her here, but I was pissed at her too.

"Thank God you're okay." Tania tried to hug me, but Zoey pushed her back hugging me tightly. I hugged her back and she pecked my lips before grabbing my face.

"What happened to your hand?" Zoey asked looking at my wrapped up hand.

"Piece of glass went through it, but I'm alright."

"Kree," Tania side hugged me, "I'm just glad you're okay. I came as soon as Kairi called."

"Here's your keys." Bri handed them to me. "I hope you be okay."

"Thank you." I said as Zoey clutched me tighter wrapping her arms around mine.

"Kree can we talk?" Kairi walked up to me. Zoey let go of me and backed up as we walked away to a more secluded spot. "I know I'm probably the last person you wanna hear from."

"Second to last."

"I know you're mad, but Devin didn't mean anything he said last night. He was just-"

"Who the fuck are you? His spokesperson? Kairi you better get out my face." I backed up and she walked up to me again.

"Kree seriously-"

"Dead serious. You better get back because I'll kill yo ass too and take yo motherfucking child. Keep playing I'll go pick out caskets out for both you hoes and raise Em myself. Keep playing I showed you I'm not the one but you taking me as a joke-"

"I'm not taking you as a joke. You can't be mad at Devin when he's been trying to make an effort for months to talk to you! Then you waited so late to hear him out to the point where he doesn't care to hear what he did to you! Of course he's gonna be mad when you've said and did things to him for no reason!"

"No reason? So anything I've ever did or said to him I've had no reason behind it? Y'all still talking bout this Ariana shit but it's way more to that! This nigga been on my shit list since Heaven birthday! It goes way deeper than Ariana!"

"But y'all sat there and made up at the house! We was all there!"

"Made up? He made up I never let that shit go! That nigga crossed me and you think I'm supposed to smile in this nigga face! Then you out here embarrassing me because you fucking this nigga! You ain't no fucking sister to me and I should've been cut yo triflin ass off!" I argued feeling all the anger rise.

The fact that she can't sit here and defend this nigga in my face? This shit was getting out of hand.

"Let's not do this here." Tania sighed walking up, "We can go somewhere and sit down and resolve these issues without the constant bickering. We're adults."

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