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Devin Cross
October 15

"What's up?" I asked Liv as I sat at the park bench.

"So I went to the emergency room to get a real test and um, it actually came back negative. I'm sorry for scaring you like that, I just had thought I was. I didn't get my period until this morning so we're good." She said causing me to sigh.


"You okay?"

"Kairi and I just broke things off because of this shit. I was just tryna do the right thing and tell her, but I wish I had of kept my mouth shut now." I placed my hand on my head frustrated.

"Did you cheat on me with her?" Liv asked causing me to cock my head to the side.

"No, why are you questioning me now? We're not in a relationship anymore." I asked confused.

"It's just that Ariana had told me to watch my back around Kairi. Saying stuff like she's probably sleeping with you and stuff like that. Of course I didn't believe it at first, but the way you up and left really just had me speculating." She fluffed her curls.

"I never fucked this girl while we were together. So I never cheated on you. I had told you prior to us breaking up that I didn't like what we had become. Arguing everyday and being really disrespectful to each other and shit."

"I get that, but as soon as Kairi came around you started acting funny. I mean you didn't want me picking up Heaven from daycare or nothing anymore. I only changed when I saw you change." Olivia said and I shook my head.

"I never changed. I took you off Heaven paperwork simply because of the fact that you're not her mother. She has one, and she has a family over there that she visits. It was nothing against you, but if her folks telling me that they don't want you being mistaken as her mother then I get that. We have an understanding when it comes to my daughter so I ain't gonna do shit to make them feel uncomfortable." I stated truthfully.

"But how could me picking her up interfere with any of that? So what if he had of gotten married? Would I still not be able to do anything because you have custody so you're really the one with the say so. You just tried to make things hard." She rolled her eyes.

"Liv don't do that. I've had you around her for almost a year now and never limited what you can do until now. Plus what ever I say goes because Heaven is my child not yours. Stepmother or not you wouldn't have that much authority over just because of the simple fact that I won't let you." I said and she stood up.

"You know what, I'm about to go because I'd hate to have to get real disrespectful. Let me tell you one thing, whether you believe it or not by law I would've had a say so too. I been around this baby even before we actually dated. I watched her grow into the toddler she is now. Then as soon as this Kairi girl come around it's let me stop paying attention to my girlfriend." She waved her hand off and I stood up too.

"It's over and done with Liv. I really appreciate you being there for my daughter but you don't have to anymore. I wanna move on and you should too."

"What?" She bawled up her face, "I don't want you back. That was never my intention. I got threw off cause I thought I was pregnant. Trust me when I say I'm not dealing with you anymore. If I was Kairi I wouldn't deal with you either, who knows you might do her the same."

"Chill out ma, cause a nigga never mistreated you. I don't know where all this animosity coming from but you need to stop it. You letting Ari put that toxic shit in yo head and it's messing you up. I'm gone though, you be mad at yourself."

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