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Kree Marcel
January 10
Parents House.

"Who is it?"

"Kree." I mumbled.

The locks switched and my mama opened the door. We looked at each other for a bit before she let me in. I sat down in the living room and she did the same.

"How you doing?" I asked and she shrugged.


I cleared my throat, "So, can we talk? Is Carmelo here?"


"I know you're still upset with me, but I came here to apologize. I've made up with Devin and dad but I know you and Melo still mad with me. I'm sorry for being disrespectful to you guys. I said things that hurt you because I was hurting. I get that. But mom you're not a bad mom, you're the best mom in the world to me." I apologized and she looked at me.

"When you those awful things to me at the daycare, I went home and sat down. I sat on the couch and just thought about everytime I've said or did anything wrong to you. It made me upset Kree, because I tried so hard to be the mother that my mother wasn't." She teared up.

"Don't cry mama." I got up and sat beside her.

"I can't help but to cry. You saying that killed me. I didn't know what else to do."

"I didn't mean any of it ma. I was just saying stupid meaningless shit because I was upset with Devin. My anger took over and I just came at anybody. You're the most special mom in the world. All you've sacrificed to get me to where I am now, that stuff should have never left my mouth. That's the biggest lie I've ever told in my life. I love you ma, and I hope you can forgive me." I apologized and she nodded.

"Of course I forgive you, but you need to grow up Kree, okay? I can't keep doing this childish mess with you son. You're not getting any younger and I want you to be more mature and handle things the right way. That's the only way you can have peace and prosperity." She said before she pecked my cheek.

"I promise I will ma," I pecked hers, "I truly apologize for what I said too. I wish I could stay longer, but I have to get to work."

I stood up.

"It's okay, go make your money. I'll make sure I tell Carmelo that you stopped by alright?" She hugged me.

I hugged her tighter, "Thanks ma. I love you."

"I love you too, have a nice day at work."

"Thanks and I'll call." I waved before leaving out the door. I felt a slight bit of relief, now all I had to do was make up with Carmelo and my life would be stress free. I think it's about time.

Ariana Shade

"Jace stop!" I yelled as he knocked over the combs. Josh still hasn't come to pick him up and I was getting frustrated. The daycare didn't open up until tomorrow but I wish it opened up everyday.

"Girl he's fine." Shakira, my boss, said picking the combs up.

I sighed grabbing Jace and placing him in his seat. Before I could walk away, the door dinged and in came Josh. Jace hopped up and ran to him happily and I sighed. I grabbed his toys and his bag and walked over to them.

"Here." I handed Josh the stuff, "He has overnight clothes."

"Good." Josh nodded as he and Jace walked outside. I followed him out seeing his car still running. I know I wasn't seeing things, because it looked like someone was in the front seat. I rubbed both of my eyes and looked over at Josh.

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