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Kree Marcel
Next Morning

I woke up to the smell of breakfast cooking. I leaned up in my bed and grabbed my phone. 9:22, is what the clock read. I hopped out my bed and cautiously walked into the front. To my surprise, Raphael and Ella were here. I felt my heart drop, Ella looked back and locked eyes with me as she cooked at my stove.

"Good morning," She smiled, "Raph look who's finally awake!"

Dr. Martine turned around and gave me a slight head nod. I nervously nodded back before locking eyes with Ella once again. I could of sworn she left last night, why was she back? And with her husband at that?

"I hope you don't mind Marcel, but we checked out the hotel and came here before we left. We wanted to say our goodbyes, and I figured why not enjoy a small breakfast. So, I asked my lovely wife Ella to cook something up for us." Dr. Martine said causing me to shake my head.

"No sir, I don't mind." I said feeling my heart pound out of my chest. I sat at the island watching as Ella prepared our plates. She sat one in front of me and Raph before cutting the stove off and fixing hers. I could feel my heart rate go up even higher.

"Mr. Marcel, I just want to tell you how much of an impact you've made on me." Dr. Martine started, "I usually don't like working with people younger than me but you've really proved to me that all young people aren't bad. You're really like a son to me."

"Thank you." I managed to say. To say I felt like shit was an understatement.

"I don't know when I'm gonna see you again, but I'm glad I could help you get your business up. If you ever need me for anything, I'm just a telephone call away. I don't care if I have to hop on a plane and rush here, I will. You're a good kid Kree, your parents are lucky to have such a hardworking, trustworthy, respectful son like you." He said as he patted my shoulder.

I felt my throat become dry, causing me to take a sip of orange juice. My vision was getting blurry and I felt so bad.

"With that being said, Raphael, there's something Kree and I haven't told you." Ella began.

My eyes went wide and I picked up my orange juice continuing to drink it.

"What is it?" He smiled.

"Should I tell him?" Ella asked me and I didn't utter not one word. I picked up the carton of orange juice and continued to drink it as if I didn't hear her.

"Go on." Dr. Martine said sitting up at the edge of his seat intrigued.

"Well honey, Kree and I have been-"

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

10 minutes later.

I woke up on the living room floor surrounded by paramedics. I felt a bit dizzy, and my heart beat was still rapid.

"Can you hear me? If you can hear me put up a finger." The paramedic asked causing me to lift a finger.

"Is he okay?" I heard my mama voice causing me to look around.

"Not so fast, take your time." The paramedic said slowly lifting me up. As soon as I sat up, they began to give me some water. I couldn't even see straight, being this guilty was eating me alive. I don't know how longer I could this shit in myself.

"Kree can you hear me?" My mama asked and I nodded.

"I hear you ma."

"Alright let's get you up." The paramedic said as him and the other one lifted me slowly. "Where can we lay him down?"

Mr. Marcel || Book 5Where stories live. Discover now