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Kree Marcel
Friday Night

"You sure you're not mad?"

"Kree I'm fine." Ariana laughed as she fixed my tie. I nodded my head not trying to pressure her about it. I didn't feel like arguing and plus we been doing good. I'm just ready to go mingle and get this shit over with.

The doorbell rung and I looked at the time.

"That's Zoey, I'll be back later. Don't bother waiting up." I said causing her to nod. I left the bedroom and walked to the front to unlock the door.

"Hello." Zoey spoke coming in. She had on a nice revealing burgundy dress. It really suited her, and I just knew we were gonna get a lot of attention.

"What's up, we can head to the car now." I said causing her to nod. She left out the front door and I followed out right behind her.

20 minutes later.

"How do I look?" Zoey stopped and I looked her up and down.

"How do I look?" Zoey stopped and I looked her up and down

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"You look damn good, now come on partner." I winked and she laughed before linking arms with mines.

We walked into the building seeing multiple business owners. I smiled and waved at everyone who looked our way. I could feel the eyes on us, we were one of the youngest 'couple' in the room. Zoey held onto my arm as we walked to the back table and took a seat.

"Did you see the stares we got?" Zoey asked and I nodded.

"Mission accomplished."

I grabbed two glasses of champagne from the servers and handed one to Zoey. We linked our arms together before taking a sip of wine. Out the corner of my eye I could see two men heading our way. I was so happy on the inside, I really wanted my business to expand.

"Hello, you're Kree Marcel right? Owner of Marcel's Cigar Co?" The man asked and I nodded.

"Why yes I am." I acted natural, "And you are?"

"Walter Mayes, owner of Che La Blum the wine. I've heard about your company and I thought that we could a do a collaboration." Mr. Mayes said shaking my hand.

"Wine and Cigars? You sure about that?" Zoey asked causing him to look at her.

"Who might you be madame?" Mr. Mayes flirted.

"This is my fiance Zoey Gibson, she's a realtor. She's excellent in helping you find the right homes and places that fit you and your company." I said causing her to nod.

"Nice to meet you." Zoey shook his hand, "Now, tell me why my fiance should look more into this collab with you."

"Well Mrs. Marcel, I think it would be a great collab because people love to smoke and drink. I can assure you that our wine is one of the finest in the country. We sell it worldwide, but it's becoming more exclusive and with him being a new business owner this would be great exposure for your company." Mr. Mayes said before pecking her hand.

"What do you think babe?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"I like the idea, but let's talk numbers."

"Not so fast," I stopped her, "I never said I'd collab yet. But, since you know, you want to we can do it. All I need is for you to give me your card and we'll see on Monday."

He reached in his shirt pocket, "Here you go. This is a great opportunity, trust me, it'll be worth your time. We both could get more exposure."

"I'll definitely give you a call." Zoey said causing him to smile. He gave her a head nod before walking off.

I laughed, "You did that."

"Anything to help you, not come on. This is actually fun." She said giving me a shot. I took it and she did as well. "Let's mingle."

3 hours later.

I slid in the passenger seat of my car and laid back. My head was literally pounding out of my head. Zoey got in the driver's seat and looked over at me. I flicked her off and she just laughed.

"It's not funny, I don't do well with alcohol." I said letting my seat back even more. I felt like I was about to die. My stomach was tore up.

"Sorry." She giggled, "I m-mean we could've stopped but it was fun."

"If you too drunk don't be driving my car. I just got this shit." I said as I clutched my stomach in pain.

"I'm a lil tipsy, I ain't drunk." She giggled again before pulling out the parking lot. I felt my eyes go heavy and before you knew it I was falling asleep.

20 minutes later.

"Come on stand up." Zoey said as I stumbled into the wall. I could barely walk straight, one reason why I hate drinking. I wasn't too drunk this time, I was just a bit tipsy like Zoey.

I used my key to unlock the door and we went in the apartment. She helped me over to the couch and we both fell. She ended up on my lap and I just let her sit there. She was looking so good and she smelled so nice.

"You helped me a lot tonight." I mumbled causing her to look back at me.

"That's what friends are for." She said as we stared at each other.

I leaned in causing her to do the same. Our lips locked and I grabbed her by her neck roughly. She bit down on my bottom lip before she slid her tongue in my mouth. I let my hands roam her body freely and she turned her body towards me. I slowly picked her up carrying her.

We bumped into the walls never breaking from the kiss. I pushed my room door open and threw her up on the bed. She started removing her dress and I helped her. I threw it across the room and climbed up on the bed with her. We began to kiss once again and she started to unbuckle my pants.

I pushed her back and took my pants off. I pushed my hard on against her and she wrapped her legs around me. I unhooked her bra and began sucking on her boobs causing her to moan. I slid my hand in her panties and began to finger her causing her to throw her head back.

"Mm." She moaned out. I removed her panties getting ready to fuck her but then she stopped me. "Kree...I can't."


"I'm sorry I can't do it." She sat up and pulled her panties on. "I feel bad, the only reason I'm doing this is to hurt Ariana. This is not me, and we were once friends. It shouldn't have even gotten this far."

I laid back in the bed frustrated. At the same time I wasn't, because she was right. Maybe it's the alcohol that got me going so hard, because any other time I would stop myself. This is wrong, and I'm glad she decided to stop before we went all the way.

"Are you mad?" Zoey asked sitting up in her bra and panties.

I shook my head, "No, but my dick hard so I gotta fuck somebody. I ain't going to bed blue."

"Might as well." She patted my chest before getting up, "I'm just gonna stay here. I'm going to the couch."


Zoey ignored me walking right out the room. I placed my hands in my boxers before turning over on my stomach. Fuck it, I'ma just have to go to sleep.

Beware, the drama is coming...

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