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Ariana Shade
March 9

"So tell me how it went now?" Liv asked sitting down on the couch.

"So boom, I ended up texting Kree to come sit and meet too because I wanted to apologize. Next thing I know, we get into a full blown argument. He starts talking out his neck because that's what he do and I'm used to it. So I gave him the same energy you know? Then he just starts being foul as hell, like I couldn't even form a sentence."

"For real? That's fucked up, it was that disrespectful Ari?" Olivia asked and I nodded.

"Yeah it's like," I paused, "Sorry I'm about to cry."

Liv moved over to hug me as the tears began falling from my eyes.

"It's okay." Liv hugged me.

"It's just- people always make me out to be the bad guy! Half of the time I be chillin and people start shit with me! Then with Kree it's never ending I swear because I'm always gon run into him no matter where I'm at. He stay saying fucked up shit about me. His folks dislike me because of the shit he go back and tell them. I'm just over it!" I leaned my head on Liv shoulder.

"It's alright, but like you said you know how he is. It'll be alright. You have me."

"I know, and then he talked about when I was strippin and stuff and how he could fuck me whenever he wanted. Like who says that to someone? Who? In what world does he think it's okay to be such a fucking asshole?" I heaved blinking my tears away.

"It's okay, don't be sad."

"I'm not sad I'm heated. I'm more mad at myself because him saying that ate me alive. He didn't Liv, If he pulled up and said Ariana let's go to the bedroom and fuck I'd do it. I'm not proud of it, I'm just admitting that it's that easy because I can't let go of the past for whatever reason."

"So, do you still have emotional attachment to him? Is that what you're saying Ariana?" Liv slowly let go of me.

"Being honest yes, I thought I had let go but I didn't. But I don't wanna be this way Liv. I can't be like this anymore. It hurts, and I know you're probably calling me stupid but I can't help it. I wanna get better Olivia, I just wanna love myself and be a better mom to Jace." I sobbed and she wiped the tear that fell from her eye.

"I'll find a therapist. Do you want to go to therapy?"

I shrugged, "I'll do whatever, just to better myself. It's been too long and I've lost so many people because of him."

"It's okay, I'll call around now."

Kree Marcel
Kairi and Devin House.

"You can't stop the rain."

"Ha!" I laughed watching BMF with my legs propped up. Bri was beside me eating a bowl of popcorn.

"How do I look?" Kairi asked as she did a 360.

"You look beautiful." Bri smiled as I paused the tv.

"Mad beautiful sis." I smiled at her.

"Devin getting ready, but while I'm down here Kree you wanna talk about yesterday?" Kairi asked taking a seat on the loveseat where Heaven was asleep.

"What happened yesterday?" Bri asked looking at me.

"Devin and I met up with Ariana and shit. Boom, we exchanged a few words and I left." I shrugged.

"Yeah but Devin say he felt bad after the shit you said to her. He kept bringing it up so I know it was bothering him. I just wanna know what you said to her."

I kissed my teeth, "No more than she already heard."

"Devin said you was just being super disrespectful. Stuff like you gon catch another charge and stuff like um, how she was a dog and stuff." Kairi said and I nodded.

"That's exactly what I said."

"Kree." Bri looked at me upset.

"What? She called me her bitch and stuff and said I was a spoiled brat and shit. So she can just say shit like that to me?" I asked getting upset.

"No, but come on now. Y'all drama has gone on long enough. I didn't want Devin to meet with her, just ignore her. There was no need for a sit down. Just don't acknowledge each other anymore. I squashed shit with Olivia for me and left it at that. It's that easy." Kairi sighed.

"But be serious, she say shit to me and know I ain't gon take that. I don't like to feel like I'm getting bitched. She was coming at me like I'm a hoe or sum. I'm sorry but shit like that bothers me."

"Your mouth gonna get you in a lot of trouble." Bri shook her head.

"What? You mad at me too?"

"Babe you just can't talk to people any kind of way. I'm not defending Ariana but I know you and I know your ways. Both of y'all do the absolute most, y'all got the same wicked ways so of course y'all bump heads. But my point is, Kree you have to do better when it comes to these situations. You got so much shit to lose."

"So you want me to sit back and get bitched? Noted." I got up from the couch.

"Have you been doing your exercises? Have you even talked to Nia?" Kairi asked and I shook my head.


"You need her." Bri sighed.

"I don't need nobody." I glared at her.

"Stop acting like that. You lose people because of your fucking attitude Kree. You're so angry for no reason and have the most jealous heart I've ever seen. You want to be the center of attention all the time and need shit to go your way but you don't own earth!" Bri stood up.

"Never said I fucking did. How the fuck am I jealous hearted? The fuck I got to be jealous of?"

"Exactly! You are a nigga of many fucking talents! Piano, Guitar, Boxing, Basketball, Football, all these sports and fucking instruments and you became an independent multimillionaire and you're only twenty four! You don't appreciate shit you have Kree! You constantly get in trouble with the law and everyone else! You know why? Because you've never had to deal with consequences because everyone around you saves you from everything!"

Bri screamed in frustration.

"You won't change until you're either locked up or worst! You walk around thinking you're better than everyone when in reality you're not! You're no better than Ariana or anyone else on this fucking earth! I don't know who put that bullshit in your head, but reality check, you're a fucking human being not a God. No one has to do anything to make you feel comfortable when you do the complete fucking opposite!"

Bri bawled her hands before going into the kitchen. Kairi stood up and looked at me before sighing.

"I can't help you on this one. You gotta do it yourself." Kairi twisted her lip before going back upstairs.

I sighed, "Fuck."

Short chapter I know, but this book gotta come to an end.

Anyways, thoughts?




Hey, Kree needed a reality check.

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