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Bri Hall
October 6
Learning Land.

"Everyone's asleep, I'm heading to Subway. Want anything?" Madeline asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine." I smiled.

I watched her leave the room before I called Bailey. I enrolled him in school this morning and he's been kinda upset. He doesn't go until Wednesday, so I need time to get him school supplies.

"Hey." He smiled answering the face time call.

"Hey what you doing? Is everything okay?" I asked causing him to nod.

"I was thinking, should I dye my hair blonde? I just wanna be different." Bailey said holding the blonde dye in his hand.

"You should, I think it'll be cute on you."

"Okay." He looked down, "I talked to my mom today."

"Oh yeah?" I asked causing him to nod.

Yes, he calls Brielle mom now. It doesn't bother me because true enough that's her child. She miscarried her daughter in her last trimester, and a lot of stuff has been going in her life. Personally, I'm not mad at her for leaving Bailey with me at all. People need time to heal and I understand that.

"Said she's thinking about going back to school. I miss her." He said making me smile.

"Me too."

"We've been talking everyday. And..."

"And what?"

"She wants me to come stay with her in Las Vegas."

I didn't know how to feel. Bailey was literally all I had. I can't imagine my life without him. Of course I was pissed, but I can't stop him from going. It was his choice, and no matter how bad it hurt at least he'd be happy.

"Oh." I cleared my throat, "I'll call you later."


I hung up the phone feeling all the sadness in my body. I moved to Miami because the south was the cheapest place we could go. He chose Miami and we were able to get on Shark Tank to present his business idea. Of course it didn't work out, but so far I'm loving this place.

I needed to talk to Brielle, maybe we could make some things work.

Kairi Marcel

"K." My co worker Nala said walking to my cubicle.


"You have a visitor." Nala nodded her head causing me to stand up. I squinted my eyes seeing Devin through the glass. I stood up and fixed my skirt. I pushed my hair behind my ear as I walked out the door.

I sighed as I stopped in front of him.

"Can we go somewhere private?" Devin asked and I nodded.

I walked down the hall into the empty break room before looking at him.

"I just wanna say I apologize for how I came at you the other day. I understand you don't want to-"

"Devin it's okay." I walked up to him slowly. "I know that I've been being a bitch and I'm sorry. That was never my intention. I just felt like I wasn't ready for a relationship."

"Hm." He nodded.

"I went home the other day and I thought about it for a while. You have always showed me that you cared even when we weren't in a relationship. So, with that being said, I'm willing to give you a chance if you really want it." I said before he looked down and smiled.

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