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Kiana Bradley
April 1

"Oh no." I fell to my knees, "Oh no. Kree wake up. Baby please wake up."

"No no no no no no no!" I gripped Kree shirt shaking his body as hard as I could. "Get up! Baby please get up! Kree noooooo!"

"I can't find a pulse."

"Not my baby...not my baby!"

"Kiana! Kiana!"

I woke up in a sweat looking around the room. I bursted into tears as Melo cut the lamp on pulling me into a tight hug. I leaned my head over on him letting him comfort me.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare. Kree is alright, he's alive." Melo reassured stroking my hair.

"I...I...I just pray he's okay." I sniffled, "That's all that I ask God."

"He hears your prayer, he hears them." Carmelo pecked my head and my hands. "Come on, let's just go back to bed."

I laid back down letting Melo cut off the lamp. I tried my hardest to go to sleep, but I couldn't. How could you sleep when you don't know what's going on with your child? I don't know if he's dead or alive, I just pray that he let's me know something soon.

Bri Hall

"Hey!" I spoke hugging Kairi. I haven't seen her since the break up with Kree, but of course I had to reach out to her. "You're glowing."

"Thank you." Kairi smiled sitting down. Her stomach was only poking a bit, "You look beautiful babes."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Tania came walking up and I waved as she took a seat at the table next to Kairi. She was poking, but she is due next month. I'm so happy for the both of them honestly.

"Hey! How you doing?" I asked.

"Good," She smiled, "How are you ladies?"

"Good." Kairi nodded, "My gender reveal is on the sixth, just letting you guys know if you want to attend. It's gonna be at my mama house."

"Do I have to bring anything?" Tania asked.

"No, girl we have everything. All we ask is that you wear either blue or pink."


I was going to attend, but I really don't think I should. For one, it's at Kiana house and she already doesn't like me. Two, Kree and I haven't spoken in almost a month and I don't know how he'd react to seeing me. Nobody has said anything about him to me and I don't know if why.

"Bri? Are you coming?" Tania asked.

I shrugged, "I don't know guys."

"Why not? Trust me, nothing is gonna happen. I've talked to my parents about you attending and it's fine."

"I just don't wanna be uncomfortable."

"You won't be, and if you do feel like you are then you can leave. I just want you to be there, please?" Kairi begged and I hesitated.


"Thank you, so Nia," Kairi nudged her arm, "When is Taylyn coming?"

"Next month on the fourth chile."

I sat back in my seat watching as they talked about their significant others and their children. I felt so out of place, I didn't have nothing to show for. No kids, no husband, no family. The only thing that kept us close knitted was Kree since he has a connection to all of us. Now it just feels like I don't belong around them.

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