Chapter 18

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Luke's p.o.v.

"Hey will you two slow pokes hurry up!?" Ashton yells as me and Bailey approach the lake

"Yeah yeah we're coming"

"We'll pep up your step we wanna eat lunch soon so....woah Bailey you look....great" Ashton's eyes widen and he gulps stoping mid sentence while everyone turns to look at Bailey

"Damn babe you look hot" Michael gawks

"Wow such a gentleman" I mumble sitting down at the edge of the pier

"Good job sis you actually wore it!"

"Now that's my bestfriend work it!" Ashely laughs

Bailey blushes and thanks everyone for their compliments. I'm really proud of her for actually wearing it and not starting world war three with me for trying to make her. Everyone continues complimenting Bailey and I love watching her smile grow wider and wider each time.

"Yeah we get it the ugly duckling finally advanced into a swan let's get over it now people" Brittany scoffs and I'm getting extremely pissed at her bitchy attitude. She's the whole reason Bailey has her insecurities in the first place and for once she feels good about herself and Brittany can't even let her have that. I go to tell her off but she gives me the look. Not the I'm sorry for being a bitch look the I know what the fuck you're doing and ill ruin your life look so let's just say I keep quiet and decide to let someone else take this one.

"Brittany God for once give it a rest" Calum sighs "We get it you don't like Bailey you don't need to make it apparent to us every ten minutes! And what confuses me most is that Bailey has never and I mean ever given you a reason to hate her,actually ever since she's met you she's done nothing but try and be nice to you! You're about to be a senior in high school so how about instead of having petty arguments with a girl who's done nothing wrong to you try focussing on maturing and getting your shit together first"

Brittany's mouth is wide open in shock and she's not the only one. None of us expected someone to tell her off but instead ignore the childish remarks as usual,but someone actually told her the straight up truth instead of a come back to fuel the fire, and it was Calum of all people.

"Now" he sighs "Since that is over with I think we can all try to act civil for once and enjoy the rest of our week, agreed?"

"Yeah" everyone mumbles returning back to what they where doing originally. Everyone's swimming but me and Bailey and I decide to fix that

"Hey Bai do you see that over there?" I ask

"No" she looks up "where?"

"Here stand you'll be able to see it better" I stand helping her up

"No I still don't see it" she laughs "Are you sure you're not just going crazy?"

"No I'm completely sane just look harder"

"Luke just give it up I don't-"

I cut her off by picking her up and throwing her in the water and I can't find a way to stop myself from laughing

"Luke what the fuck!" she screams coming up from the water and regaining her breath 

"Sorry I was just trying to give you a better view" I continue laughing uncontrollably and jump into the water to join her

"Oh well thanks I definitely see it now" she leans she going to kiss me? Now? In front of everyone?

"Oh really and what exactly do you see love?" I smirk

She leans in closer and her lips are hovering over mine until she whispers

"I see revenge coming soon in your future" she winks and pulls away quickly smirking right back at me and making her way over to Michael and Ashely.

"Dude" Ashton says swimming over to me "She totally wants you man"

"Honestly Ash" I look up to see Micheal and Bailey splashing water at each other when he takes her by surprise and pulls her in then kisses her "Honestly I don't know seems like one minute I love her and she actually loves me back and the next I'm just a lost puppy hopelessly and pathetically in love while she's with Michael and I'm just that friend,and other times she just hates me because I'm an ass to her and I really want to blame Brittany for the fact that I've been treating Bailey So horribly but I can't make up an excuse for my self because I'm the one who went along with it....even knowing how wrong it was"

"Wow...I'm sorry man I didn't know this thing was eating at you like this"

"It's fine I you keep saying,it'll all work out in the end"

"Yeah because Lord knows I'm always right" he laughs

"Yeah okay not always but I'll give you credit you're pretty good most of the time now let's go join the others and actually have some fun on our first day"

"Yeah let's go kiddo"

"Oh and Ashton?"

"Yeah?" He stops swimming towards everyone else and turns to me

"Wonderful job on choosing the bathing suit" I smirk

"I know man! Bailey's like my little sister and all but damn she looks hot" he laughs and continues making his way to the group with me

"So Whatcha guys wanna do? We atleast have to play one water game before we go inside"

"Oh my gosh,oh my gosh,oh my gosh you guys!!!" Bailey screeches

"What? What is it? Are you hurt or something?" I repetitively ask her worried

"No Luke I'm fine" she giggles "Just excited because I have an idea! Lets play chicken!"

"Bailey I nearly fucking died last time we played that!" Calum screams

"But you didn't" she smiles and bats her eyelashes

"Nope I'm not playing forget it"

"Ugh come on Cal! Maybe if you stayed away from the pier like I told everyone,you wouldn't have had your "near death experience" She scoffs "But whatever we have an odd number of people someone would have had to sit out anyways so thanks for making it easier"

"You are certainly welcome I'll be over here if you need me"

"Okay people so the teams obviously won't be difficult so all the couple's just get together I guess so Luke and Brittany, Ash and Ash, and Micheal and I and then we'll be ready"

"But we're not a couple" Ashton and Ashely exclaim

"Don't worry you will be soon besides you two where going to be paired together anyways couple or not so just get ready"

Everyone's set up and ready to go and honestly I'm a little scared joke or not last time we did this Calum did wipe out for quite a bit and I do not want to be next

"Okay" Bailey says seriously

"On the count of three we!"

I am oh so terribly sorry if this sucks but I'm going to do something actually eventful soon so I guess this is kinda just a filler but ily guys!!!

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