Chapter 39

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Hi guyssss!!! So here's another chapter and I feel like this is all going by slow af so I'm gonna speed it up a bit and where's everyone from? I'm from Michigan and I'm cold. ALSO THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT IF ANYONE WANTS TO PLAY THE ROLE OF MICHEALS GF THEN COMMENT AND ILL PICK SOMEONEE OKEY TY.

Luke's p.o.v

"Are you getting in or not" Calum groans

"Can't I just walk home?"

"So you rather spend four hours walking instead of having to spend an hour in the car dealing with Bailey?"

"Well when you put it like...yes"

"Luke really? Get in here"

"But she's going to yell at me!"

"If I saw how you were acting right now I'd yell at you too! I've been seeing this side of her way longer than you and I'm still living so suck it up and get in"

"Fine" I sigh and walk to the other side of the van. I put my hand on the door to the passenger seat but Calum shakes his head and points at Bailey in the back. I frown and roll my eyes then slowly go sit in the back next to her.

"Hey" I mumble scooting next to her

She looks up at me but stays silent and continues scrolling through her phone.

"Bailey please talk to me, I'm sorry okay?"

She puts her phone in her lap and slowly looks up at me "I'm sorry did you say something? I must've not been listening, whatever it was you were saying you should probably just tell Brittany she's always been better at paying attention" she smiles

"Bailey please don't do this I'm sorry I compared you too her alright? I don't want her whatsoever and-"

"Why wouldn't you want her Luke? She's perfect! Blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect body you two are basically a perfect match but your settling with me! Why is that? Why are you going for a girl who's got weird curves and nothing special about her? I'm snappy and dumb and annoying and you're wasting your time!" Tears slowly begin to flow down her face and seeing her hurt is only making me hurt even more

"I'm not wasting my time, Bailey I don't care how much you think there's nothing good about you because when I look at you all I see are wonderful things, you're smart and beautiful and everything I could ever want okay? I love you so much and I don't care how much you yell at me or fight with me nothing will ever change my feelings for you" I lean in and wipe away the tears from her face and she looks down

"I'm sorry I yelled at you earlier..I was overreacting" she sniffles

"And I'm sorry I ran us into a pole, and called you insane, and compared you to Brittany and made you cry...yeah I'm going to stop there because I just sound like an asshole"

"Yeah but you're my asshole" she sadly smiles at me

"So does this mean we're okay?"

"Yeah" she sighs "Yeah we're good" she glides over to me and places herself in my lap. I tightly wrap my arms around her and she snuggles her head in my chest.

"I hate fighting with you" I sigh

"It was only for an hour" she murmurs

"I don't care if it's for even just a second, any time I could've had you in my arms but was yelling at you instead is considered a moment in hell to me"

"Oh my God that's enough, I've sat and listened to all that mushy bullshit but Luke what you just said crossed the line and I'm done" Calum groans

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now