Chapter 52

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I would like to sit in silence but we all know that's not something that happens quite a lot in this home so of course someone begins knocking on my door.

"Please go away" I groan covering my face with a pillow. Obviously saying no doesn't mean anything because they just walk right it anyways "What's the point of knocking if you're just going to barge in?"

"Well what's the point of knocking if your not going to let me in?" Luke says blankly  sitting onto my bed " want to tell me about last night?"

"No actually I don't feel like talking about it"

"I just want to know how it happened Bailey, I'm not going to hurt Aaron, I'm not going to get mad, I just want to know"
"Can I deal with my life one problem at a time please? I have some "parents" to worry about not all of this"

"Bailey please just tell me! Anything you say will be better then the terrible image I have in my head okay? And the fact that no one told me! Or that I couldn't be there to help you! It's breaking me because I let you go, I knew those guys were trouble and I fucking let you go" he says as a tear falls from his eye "I could've tried harder to keep you at home but I didn't and I'm so sorry"

I have never seen Luke like this..usually things don't phase him and I can't remember the last time I've seen him properly cry.

"Luke please stop its not your fault, it was my choice to go. You tried to stop me but I wouldn't listen" I reassure him placing myself on his lap "And look at me, I'm fine" I smile

"Bailey you're not fine, please tell me what he did"

"Luke" I sigh

"Bailey please" he pleads "He didn't actually like you know...did he?"

"No Anthony showed up before he could. At first he just took me up to his room...he said he wanted to talk. Then he started touching me, I told him I didn't like it and asked him to stop and that's when he started calling me names and hitting me" I take a deep breath in order to hold in my tears then continue "Then he told me if I didn't listen to him that I was going to pay and he cornered me. I was to scared to move and knew that even if I did I would only get hurt again. So then he took of my dress and asked if you and I know and I didn't answer him so he hit me again and I ended up telling him that we didn't and that's basically when Anthony showed up"

"I'm so sorry" he whispers wrapping his arms around me "You shouldn't have to keep going through this"

"It's fine" I mumble

"No it's not, you said it yourself you're depressed and insecure Bailey. You're life shouldn't have to be like this"

"Its okay" I say softly smiling "Just like you said, things are going to start looking up for all of us. Yeah life is hard and we get a hell of a lot of set backs but if we stay positive and just try to smile through all of it I'm sure we'll be fine, besides no matter what happens we'll always have each other"

"I love you so much" he sighs squeezing me tighter

"I love you too"

"I don't think you know how long I've been waiting to hear you say that" he says smiling widely

"I don't think you know long I've been waiting to get the guts to say it" I laugh running my hand through his hair "But I'm glad I finally did"

"Luke Bailey get down here it's important!" someone from downstairs shouts

"Ugh what now" I groan rolling off of Luke and running into the living room "Alright everyone where's the fire?"

"Come here!" Ashton smiles dragging me over to our computer "Do you see this?"

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