Chapter 43

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Bailey's p.o.v.

We arrive back at my place and I see Calum sitting on the front porch.

"Hey there big guy, how'd it go?" I ask sitting down next to him

"I don't think she likes me" he sighs putting his head in his hands "I slipped up and told her I liked her, but then I saved it and friend zoned her because I thought it'd be weird to tell her right away that I was falling for her....and well after that for the rest of the night she was pretty distant. I could tell she didn't want to be here but she acted like everything was fine so I went along with it, I kept trying to talk to her but all I got was one word responses, then out of nowhere she told me she had to go...and it was over just like that" his tone is shaky and I can tell he's hurt. I see tears brimming in his eyes but already know he doesn't want to cry in front of me.

"'s alright to cry, I won't judge you"

"Thank you" he whispers letting a tear slip from his eye "I really like her Bailey"

"I know Cal" I whisper hugging him tightly "But we don't know for sure that she doesn't like you, maybe she was just as nervous as you were" 

"I doubt it, girls like her don't get nervous around guys like me"

"What girl wouldn't get nervous around one of the most popular guys in school?"

"Her, she doesn't care about all that stuff. Maybe that's why I like her so much"

"She seems pretty special Cal"

"Yeah she is" he softly smiles "I'd just like to know what I did wrong"

"Maybe you didn't do anything wrong, it could be possible she had a lot on her mind today and was just out of it you know?"

"Yeah, I guess"

"And you're Calum, it's nearly impossible for someone to not like you" I laugh nudging him
"Come on where's that smile" I see him grin slightly and I continue nudging him "You know you wanna smile Cal" I urge raising my eyebrows and he beings widely grinning "There it is!"

"Yeah yeah you made me smile"

"You know you love me" I smile batting my eyelashes

"You're my little sister, I have to love you"

"Even if I wasn't you'd still love me"

"You know what?You're probably right"

"I know I am" I smile "Now let's go inside Its getting dark out and I'm pretty sure my ass is about to freeze to the porch" I stand up and dust off my butt then look at Calum "You coming or not?"

"I don't feel like standing" he groans throwing up his arms "Help me I'm poor" he wines

"Were not poor we get along just fine and so do you so get up your self"

"I've practically raised you for five years and you can't do me this one favor?" He pouts

"Why do you always have to pull out the "I raised you" card?"

"Because it works"

"Ughhhhh you're lucky you're sad" I grab his hands and pull him upward which doesn't do much because he's so much bigger than me

"Come on your not even trying!"

"Yes I am! I'm short and small okay! The nickname shrimp has meaning you know!"
I pull harder and finally he's off the ground. My breathing is heavy and I hunch over out of breath "Man im out of shape" I groan

"You'll be fine" he scoffs walking inside with me following behind "Hey Bai where's Luke?"

"Actually...I don't know, I swear I sat next to him on the way here. Maybe he just came inside without us noticing"

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