Chapter 57

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Bailey's p.o.v.

The first bell rings dismissing us and I decide to thank Brittany for helping me out with Allison.

"Hey Brittany?"

"Yeah?" she says turning around

"Um thanks for earlier...that was pretty cool of you"

"Oh no problem, I know how Allison can be"

"Not that I don't appreciate your kindness but..why'd you do it?"

"Listen Bailey I don't have a problem with you, I haven't for a while now and to be honest I don't even know why I targeted you. I'm sick of being such a shit person to someone who's never done anything wrong to me. Everything I've ever said to you I didn't mean. You're not fat, you're not ugly you're actually beautiful. And between you and me...Aaron did the same thing to me a while back. That's kind of why I put up my bitchy act, I thought if I intimidated people then they couldn't take advantage of me...but all it really did was make me lonely, I don't exactly have real friends and the only reason people are nice to me is because they're scared of me. I know I've put you through a lot of shit and I can't even being to say how sorry I am, I don't expect you to forgive me but know that I'm done hurting you" she softly smiles at me and walks away.

Well, that was unexpected. I can't help but hold back my smile knowing that a shit part of my life has come to an end. And the fact that she didn't mean anything she said and actually thinks I'm beautiful? That's a refreshing thing to hear.


Second hour was boring as usual. Nothing but a long lecture on the battle of bunker hill as if I haven't heard about it eighteenth million times before. I go to my locker then grab my gym bag and when I turn around I see Brittany.

"Oh um hi" I wave

"Hey" she smiles "You want to walk to gym together?"

"Um yeah sure"

We begin walking down the many halls and finally reach the gym when I see Luke waiting at the door. He smiles at me but it soon disappears when he sees Brittany.

"I know what you're thinking Hemmings but don't worry, were on good terms. Or at least I hope so" she says looking at me

"When did this happen?" he asks confused

"I'm just sick of being a terrible person that's all, well and Bailey's a pretty cool girl"

We all stay silent and I can tell Luke doesn't like this at all.

"I see you two need some time to talk" she says "I'll give you some space" she walks inside leaving Luke and I alone.

"Are you insane?"

"No Luke I'm not insane! She stood up for me when Allison was being a bitch!"

"Brittany and Allison have been friends for as long as I can remember, do you really believe this?"

"Yes I do, people change Luke"

"Not in one day Bailey"

"Okay maybe she's been thinking about changing for a while and if she really is then I'm going to support her"

"So your telling me you can give her another chance but not your parents?" he scoffs

"That is a completely different situation and you know it! I can't even believe you just said that to me!"

"Well its true! I dont see why you're so naive all the time you honestly believe everything people tell you"

"Is that the case when you tell me you love me?" I snap walking away

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now