Chapter 59

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I walk back inside with McKenzie and see Michael, Ashton and Luke standing there with a short blonde girl in between them.

"Oh my God" I breath "Alex!"

"Bailey!" She screams running towards me engulfing me into a tight hug.

"How did you get here?"

"Well after I turned eighteen I ditched my parents and came back here" she smiles "Ashton saw me the other day and invited me over for your birthday"

"Wait so only Ashton knew about this?" And that would be why Calums not here

"Yeah basically" she shrugs "But you look great! You need to tell me everything that's went on since I left!"

"Okay I promise I will but I have to go grab something really quick alright?"

"Okay but hurry back!"

I pick up McKenzie and hand her to Luke "Can you please look after her?"

"What? I don't know how to take care of a kid!"

"She's five Luke! Just turn on the t.v and you'll be fine"

"Okay fine" he groans

"Thank you so much" I walk upstairs and and knock on Calums door "Cal? Can I come in?" I sit for a moment but he doesn't answer so I just walk in anyways. When I open the door I see him laying face down onto his bed.

"I didn't know she would be here" he sniffles "Ashton told me they had something for you so I told McKenzie to go get you and then when I walked in the kitchen and saw her...I felt like my heart shattered"

"I'm sorry Cal" I whisper laying down next to him "I know she use to mean a lot to you"

"But Bailey I think she still does mean a lot to me!" he cries "I don't want her to but I can't just erase feelings Bailey and as much as I want to deny it I'm still in love with her"

"But what about Nayeli? Are you just going to forget about her?"

"Of course not, you can't forget someone like her" he sighs "Nayeli is amazing..basically everything I could ever want in a girl but Alex and I have a history"

" look at it this way. Michael and I had a history that was three years long but it doesn't necessarily mean it was a good one. Sometimes breaking up is a good thing and it helps you find the person who's made for you. You can still love Alex just like how I still love Michael but Nayeli is your future Cal"

"Thanks Bai" he sighs wiping his eyes "I'm sorry I didn't mean to get all emotional"

"It's okay don't be sorry, are you ready to go down there?"

"Yeah" he breaths "I'm ready"

"Alright let's go" I take his hand and we walk downstairs together. When we get down there he looks over at me and smiles. "Thank you for always being there for me, I love you"

"It's no problem Cal" I smile "I love you too" he lets go of my hand and walks into the kitchen. He looks back and forth at Alex and Nayeli nervously. He softly smiles at Alex but turns and puts his arm around Nayeli, good job Cal. I turn into the living room and see Luke playing with McKenzie and a smile spreads across my face, this is adorable.

"Hey Luke I bet you can't guess who my favorite princess is" she challenges smirking

"Hmmm is it...Anakin Skywalker?"

"That's not a princess silly!" She giggles "My favorite princess is Cinderella"

"Why is she your favorite?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now