Chapter 62

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"You guys there's honestly nothing to wear! We should look for your clothes first because I'll be here forever" I groan putting a dress back onto its rack.

"Shrimp it's not that hard just pick a fucking dress and wear it! Ashely, Nayeli and Caprice all have dressed ready so it can't be that hard!" Ashton groans obviously annoyed.

"Excuse me but they all have dresses casually in their closet! I. Don't."

"You have the dress from when we went up to the cabin and the one from Aaron's party! You can't wear one of those?"

"No! The one from the cabin is to revealing for a nice restaurant and the one from Aaron's party is tainted with bad memories...come to think of it I should probably throw it out"

"Alright well then I guess we'll go get our clothes and meet you back over here" he sighs "Call us if you need us" they all walk out lookin quite irritated but Luke stays still.

"You're not going to leave?" I smile

"Of course I'm not, even if you take hours...but please don't"

"Trust me I don't think it'll take that long" I laugh walking back over to the racks"

"So do you even know what color you want?"

"Something back or white" I shrug "Its classy"

"And I'm guessing I won't be lucky enough to get you to try on something tight fitting?"

"You guess right Lucas" I smirk "What about this?" I ask showing him the newly found dress.

"Nah, it's to long"

"Luke it's knee length!"

"My point exactly!"

"I'm never going to find a dress" I groan "This is hopeless"

"What about this one?" He picks up a black dress that's flowing but not to out there. Its not to long and not to short, it's perfect.

"Luke I think you found it" I smile "Huh I guess it wasn't that hard"

"You like it?"

"I love it! I'm going to go buy it then we can find the guys okay?" I tell him walking over to the register.

"What if I want to buy it for you?"

"Luke I'm fine" I smile "But thank you"

"No Bailey I insist"

"I have enough money okay?"

"Will one of you just pay for the damn dress?" The cashier snaps.

"Yes of course sorry mam" I apologize quickly grabbing my wallet and handing her the money. She glares at me putting the money in the register and bagging my dress handing it to me. "Sorry again" I mumble taking the dress from her.

"Whatever, you can leave now" she says smacking on her gum.

"You know maybe if you lost the attitude and that resting bitch face of yours you'd have more customers around here" Luke says and a shocked expression is drawn all over her face "Have a nice day" he smiles taking my hand and walking out.

"Luke you can't just say that to someone!"
"She was being a bitch to you therefore I'll say what I please, where do you think the others went?"

"I don't know..there's a place for suits over there" I point out "Maybe that's where they went"

"Alright let's go see"

We walk inside and I go to the front counter. "Hi did three boys walk in here not to long ago?"

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