Chapter 32

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"I was kinda wondering if maybe we could go out sometime?" He smiles nervously

"Like..a date?"

" a date"

"Listen Anthony you're a really really nice guy but I wasn't exactly clear about me and Luke..we aren't exactly together but we are like a thing" I explain

"Oh alright" he frowns slightly

"I'm really sorry"

"Yeah don't worry about it it's fine I get it" he sadly smiles at me and walks away

I want to object to him leaving but I know if I bring him back I'll only make things worse.

"So what did he want?" Luke asks walking to me

"He um asked me out" I blush

"He what? You said no right?"

"Yeah I did, I feel really bad about it though"

"You didn't feel so bad when you said no to me" he mumbles picking up his bag

"Luke don't do that to me you know why I had to say no" I sigh

"No actually you didn't have to say no, after Michael cheated on you you where literally over it in half an hour! So how come when I ask you to go out with me you say no? Is it because you where playing me off because you still have feelings for Michael or is it because you just don't like me?"

"Where is this even coming from Luke? Trust me I really really like you but-"

"Then why are you holing back Bailey? I don't get it"

"I'm not holing back I'm just scared okay! I can't just hop out of a relationship that ended terribly and come to you with open arms, you're right I am playing you off but not because I still like Michael it's because I'm honestly so terrified of getting hurt again"

"You don't have to be I-"


"I'm going to fucking disable that bell" he scowls "But like I was saying you don't have to be-"

"Hemmings! Hood! You heard the bell get changed!" Mr.Wilson yells at us

"Yes sir so sorry" I frantically grab my bag and glace at Luke before entering the locker room, whatever he was going to say I don't think the world wanted him to say it. As soon as I walk in all I smell is over priced perfume and deodorant. I begin coughing and shoo the smell away from my nose as I put my bag in one of the lockers.

"Aw is rags over here not use to what perfume not purchased from the dollar store smells like?"

Oh great and I thought gym would be my peaceful hour

"No Allison I'm familiar with the smell, just keep spraying and maybe you'll even be able to spritz away that terrible breath of yours" I smile "A lot of things may work for you love but um tuna yeah that's not one of them" I slam my locker shut rolling my eyes and decide to get changed in the bathroom stall instead because damn that girl really pushes my buttons.

I can't believe I actually packed a pair of leggings to wear this is honestly going to be so embarrassing.

"Please say you had the intelligence to pack an over sized shirt. "please,please,please"

I reach into my bag and pull out a tiny Hollister shirt I got for Christmas that stops above my belly button. Did I honestly just throw anything in here? I'm going to look like a total slut oh my goodness.

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