Chapter 20

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Luke's p.o.v

At the moment I'm contemplating whether I should see what's going on with Ashton or without. If I go without Ashton there's a very strong chance something will go horribly wrong I don't know how but I know it will so I'm brining him. I run upstairs to his room and throw the door open anxiously. My anxiousnss is cut short when I see Ashley straddling Ashton while he's kisses her neck.

"Luke what the Fuck ever heard of knocking!?"

"I knew you two where a thing! God we've barely been here a day and you two are already at it" I smirk

"Oh my god Luke stop please shut up" Ashely whines hidding herself in Ashtons chest

"Sorry Ashley but I need Ashton" I laugh

"Ugh for what?" He sighs

"Ya know reasons"

"What exactly are your reasons?"

"The important reasons"

"Ohhhh that" he nods catching on

"Can Ashely come?"

"I don't think that'll be the best idea"

"Fine, Ash i gotta go for a little is that alright with you?"

"Yeah of course" she smiles "I was going to shower soon anyways mineaswell now" she kisses Ashton before exiting and I smirk

"So you don't like Ashely huh?" I raise my eyebrows laughing

"Shut up and tell me Why you need me" he scowls

"Okay Okay I think some sneaky stuff is going on between Brittany, Michael and Bailey and I want to know what"

"And how exactly do you know something's up?"

"Well after Bailey talked to Michael about why he came home drunk they came downstairs and Brittany looked at Micheal and raised her eyebrows like she was questioning him and he just winked at her and nodded and dude it's like in those spy movies something's going on"

"Okay and what are we suppose to do? How exactly are you suppose to know for shore if something's actually going on?"

"I haven't quite figured that out yet" I sigh "Ash why did we do this? We wouldn't be sitting here trying to figure out all the things going on in the house if Brittany wasn't here, we'd all be having fun and doing our usual movie nights,I wouldn't be stressed the Fuck out that Bailey could possibly find out I've been manipulating her this whole time and hate me and everything would be normal....but I just had to be selfish"

"Come on man don't worry you and Bailey are gonna end up together I know it....but I think I was wrong, we shouldn't have done this were putting so many relationships and friendships in jeopardy it takes one person to slip up and say one wrong thing then it's done, game over"

"Guess it goes to show loves a game we shouldn't try to play"

"Now that's right my friend" he softly laughs "that's extremely right"

"I think I know what we should do Ash"

"And what's that Luke?"

"We need to talk to Michael"





"Okay I texted Michael he should be up here soon" Ashton tells me

"Alright I'm ready"

"You sure about this kid?"

"Yeah...I'm only going to confront him if what I think is going on is actually going on so this won't we that bad"

We wait a few seconds until the door opens and Michael sits down

"So what exactly do you guys want to talk to me about?"

"Are you cheating on Bailey with Brittany?" Ashton quickly questions

"Ash I wasn't going to ask that!"

"I don't care I was,now answer me"

"No where the Fuck would you get an idea like that?!" Micheal scoffs shocked at Ashtons choice in question

"I don't need an idea because I've already seen it once, twice actually!"

Michael stays silent

"Nothing to say huh? Didn't think so"

"How did you find out" he whispers

"Luke and I saw it with our own eyes next time you want to sneak a girl into you're hotel room how about waiting until every one outside is actually gone" he sneers and exits the room slamming the door causing me and Michael to jump

"Well he's pissed" Micheal sighs running his hands through his hair

"Yeah and so am I,possibly even more than Ash you're just lucky I know how to control my anger"

"Listen I'm sorry it was a drunken mistake Luke!"

"Yeah a drunken mistake you made twice! You use alcohol as an excuse for fucking everything Michael! Who knows what else you did behind her back on that tour! I swear you don't fucking deserve her..not at all" I'm Now fuming and I'm so close to running out of here and telling Bailey. Yeah I've known that he cheated on her since we've been back but actually hearing him confess it is another thing and it's driving me mad

"I know I don't...I know, but before all this happened what was it you wanted to ask me?"

"Doesn't matter anymore now I have a better question for you"

"Okay" he exhales "What is it?"

"Are you cheating on Bailey with Brittany?" I grit my teeth to prevent myself from yelling...I don't need anyone hearing

"No,I'm not I wouldn't do that man Brittany's your girlfriend!" he shakes his head

"So you're saying you would if she wasn't?"

"No that's not what I'm saying Luke"

"Are you lying to me? Because I swear if I find out you are I'm going to beat the shit out of you, to be honest you're lucky I'm not right now"

"No I'm not lying to you, I'm not cheating on Bailey with Brittany "

"Okay now leave"

"What, leave?"

"Yeah I got all I needed from you and I don't feel like looking at you anymore right now so leave,quick tip before you go stay clear of Ashton...he's not as gental as I am when it comes to these things" I smirk, I hope Ashton beats the shit out of him

"Yeah okay, thanks" he exits the room

I have a very keen feeling all this is going to spiral out of control...and it is not going to be under any circumstances civil


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