Chapter 19

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"I'm sorry Ashton I didn't mean to kick you in the face!" Ashely laughs

"You're lucky I didn't throw your pretty little self off of me" He laughs back opening the fridge to get a soda

"Oh so you think I'm pretty?" She smirks

"Pfft ha un no, I mean yes, I mean I don't think you're ugly so like um yes you're pretty....gorgeous actually" he blushes turning away from her

"Thank you Ash you're not to bad yourself"

"Okay Okay as lovely as this is I'm still not over the fact that you girls are like fucking ninjas! Brittany honestly you where standing on Luke with one foot and didn't even fall! How does that even happen?" Michael shouts

"Yes and now I might permanently have foot marks on my shoulder! Who the Fuck plays chicken standing anyways?" Luke shouts back rubbing his shoulders

"Um that's how the pros play it doll face! And suck it up we won didn't we?" Brittany smirks

"Yeah yeah you guys may have won chicken but I won at having the hottest girl here so who's the real victor?" Michael laughs and hugs me

"You're not getting out of that talk Clifford no matter how much you try to butter me up"

"Didn't think so" He sighs "Lets go"

"Wait you mean now?"

"Yeah I rather do it now then be worried for the rest of the week as to what you'll say so let's just do it now" He sighs taking my hand and leading me to his room

"Okay" He says closing the door behind him "So who's going first"

"I will I guess..I just want to know why your where drinking Michael why now? You've been doing so good!"

"I know I have babe and I'm so sorry it's just I was out with some friends and-"

"At four a.m? Why is that? And with who? it just came out of nowhere you didn't even tell anyone you where leaving! Michael you're seventeen and I know you think you're an adult and can do these things but you can't!" I yell a little louder than intended

"I know just let me finish okay babe?"

"Answer my questions first"

"Okay okay I was out with Nick and Johnny at first we went to the club because we wanted to see this band preform and I don't know one thing lead to the other and I had a drink in my hand" he sighs

"Okay" I respond calmly

"Wait what? You're not mad?" He questions shocked

"No, the reason I wanted to talk was because I wanted to know what went on and why you where drinking not because I wanted to fight with you...although I am pissed at how you spoke to me but whatever it's over now"

"Bailey" He sighs grabbing my hand and pulling me to face him to where were only inches apart "I'm sorry for anything I said,do I remember anything I said? No, no I do not but if it hurt you in any way than I am so sorry"

"Alright...fine you're forgiven,but Michael I swear if I catch you with alcohol again you won't be getting off so easy got it?"

"Yes princess I understand" he smiles pulling me in for a quick kiss "I love you" he whispers softly stroking my hair

"I love you too" I smile softly

I will admit when I came up here I didn't think Michael was going to tell me everything right away,I did think he was going to try an argue with me and I'm grateful he told me the truth instead.

Luke's p.o.v.

"Okay now try to throw it in my mouth I bet I can catch it" Brittany laughs challenging me for the third time

"Britt you've missed everytime we tried this what makes you think you can do it now?"

"Just throw the damn goldfish Luke!"

"Ugh alright fine" I give in and throw the goldfish towards her mouth. She trys to catch it but it instead bounces off her forehead, she sighs in defeat and I laugh

"Sorry you may be what you call a pro at most things but catching goldfish isn't one" I continue laughing

"Whatever Hemmings" she growls trying to hide her laughter

I catch a glimpse of Bailey and Michael walking downstairs in the corner of my eye and apparently so did Brittany because she turns to look at Michael. She raises her eyebrows as if she was asking a question and he winks and nods in return causing her to smile.

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"You and Michael, what just happened?"

"Nothing happened" she laughs "Maybe you're hallucinating, probably swallowed to much lake water" she gets up and pats my head then exits the room in the direction Micheal and Bailey went.

So I am 100% sure I swallowed some lake water but I'm also 100% sure that Brittany's a shady bitch and I'm not hallucinating.

Something's deffinetly going on between Michael,Bailey and Brittany and my nosey ass intends to find out.


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