Chapter 40

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"And good morning Sydney! It is currently 7:00am the sun is shining the bird's are chirping and those kids of yours are getting ready to go to school!"

I groan and roll over turning off my alarm then lay back down and slowly begin to drift asleep again, which doesn't last long because Calum busts in my room obnoxiously as always.

"Rise and shine darling you have school!" He screams jumping onto my bed

"But Calum I have cramps" I whine "I don't want to go to school"

"Bailey honestly I love you but you're not missing your second day of school"

"And why not?"

"Because it's only the second day! Now what do you want for breakfast?"

"Tacos with a side of Advil" I mumble sitting up

"Advil I can do but I'm not making you tacos at seven in the morning"

"Can we for dinner then?"

"Actually I was going to tell you this later but I invited Nayeli over for diner so after the boys come over to make a new video today I was going to have you and Luke go home with Ashton"

"Oh my God you did? No way! My baby is becoming a man!" I shriek hugging him tightly

"Yeah um even though I'm older than you"

"Doesn't matter!"

"Um yeah you can let go now and I'll go get your Advil"

"Just a second longer.....anddddd I'm good" I pull away from him and smile widely

"Okay ill be on my way now" he laughs "Oh and wake Luke for me will you?" He shouts walking out

Hmmm I could be mean and wait until I finish getting all my stuff together then wake him up late or be nice and do it now...I chose later. I pick out my clothes which is the usual t-shirt and sweat pants then go to shower.

I set my clothes on the counter and start my water. As soon as it heats up to my liking I undress and get in.


After washing up I turn off the water and wrap myself in a towel. I step out of the shower and dry off then quickly put on my clothes so I'll have enough time to do my hair. I go to put on my pants but they won't go up all the way, how is it that I'm now to big for sweat pants?

"Great that's just fucking fabulous" I sigh to myself and throw the pants onto the ground. I storm out of the bathroom and into Luke's room then begin rummaging through his drawers.

"Bailey? What are you doing?" He groggily asks sitting up

"Nothing it's just that my pants don't fit so I'm going to wear yours" I sigh grabbing a pair and slamming the drawer

"How come you don't just wear another pair of your own pants? And what time is it?

"Because I didn't want to and it's seven twenty"

"Seven twenty? Why didn't anyone wake me?"

"Because I didn't want to" I shrug

"Gee thanks" he rolls his eyes "Maybe just for that I should let you go to school without any pants" he scoffs "And what's this? Bailey has curly hair" he gasps "And look at that I didn't even have to cut my hair"

"Shut it I haven't had time yet okay?" I growl

"Awww did my baby wake up in a bad mood today?" He stands up and goes to hug me but I push him away

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