Chapter 33

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Alright everyone we're going to be doing mainly stretches today to loosen you wimps up! Find yourself a partner and follow the instructions listed on the board" he blows his whistle for probably the millionth time today, honestly who was stupid enough to give him the privilege of having that thing? He's worse than a child.

I really want to be partners with Luke because there's honestly know one else I can tolerate doing this with but when I look over I see that Allison already beat me too it. Great that's just wonderful.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and groan expecting it to be some annoying fuckboy but when I turn around I see a beautiful boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hi..I'm Josh" he awkwardly smiles "I've noticed a lot of guys hitting on you so I just wanted to say I'm not here to bother you with all of that...not that I don't think you're not pretty or anything just that I don't want to bug you...I'm just wondering if you'd like to be partners?"

I look over at Luke again and see Allison twirling her hair while hes smiling at her. Really? He gets pissed at me when a guy looks at me but he can blatantly flirt with this girl in front of me and think that's okay? Um no, not how it works.

"Yeah I'll be your partner" I smile

"Okay we're not actually going to work right?" He laughs

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like look around do you see anyone doing stretches?"

I turn and look over at the individual groups and see them standing and talking, not even the teacher is doing his job but instead reading a magazine.

"Well I guess not..."

"Exactly so we can just talk"

"Talk about what?"

"I don't know..stuff" he shrugs "Like...isn't blondie over there your boyfriend?"

"Um no,well yes kinda I don't know it's complicated" I sigh pulling at Luke's shirt

"Well from the looks of what happened in the locker room he sure is protective over you" he smirks

"What do you mean? What happened in the locker room?" I ask fearing he saw us

"It just happened like twenty minutes ago but you seriously didn't hear about it? Bondie-"

"Luke, his name is Luke"

"Alright then...Luke got pissed at that kid Anthony for asking you out or something, you're Bailey right?"

"Yeah that's me,what do you mean he got pissed? He didn't hurt him did he?"

"No just a lot of yelling..and swearing that kid sure has a mouth on him" he laughs

"Oh my God I feel so bad now" I look around and spot Anthony talking to a small blonde haired girl "I'll be right back I'm going to go apologize to Anthony" I tell Josh standing up

"Um I wouldn't do that if I were you..."

"What are you my guardian angel or something?"

"I prefer wise subconscious" he smugly smirks "But like I was saying I wouldn't do that, your little friend over there said if he saw Anhtony talking to you again he'd beat the shit out of him"

"Luke wouldn't actually hurt anyone he's bluffing" I scoff

"Seemed pretty serious to me princess you wouldn't want to risk anything would you?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now