Chapter 37...I think?

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Sup Zayns officially gone and I'm just ya know dying because he was kinda my life and 1D will be nowhere near the same but yeah I kinda want to die right now but I'll act like everything's fine and this is a normal authors note so...HAY GUYS HOWS EVERYONE? BECAUSE IM FABULOUS! HOPE YOU ENJOY THIS CHAPTER!!! QUESTION OF THE DAY...HOW OLD IS EVERYONE? BC IM 14 :D

Luke's p.o.v.

After our long and completely irrelevant discussion of Bailey and I sleeping in the same room together we arrive at the airport. I have to admit that it's hard only having my Mum here for a day then having to watch her leave all over again but I guess she's doing it for good reasons so I can't complain.

"Luke honey would you mind waking up Bailey while we get my stuff?"

"Yeah sure Mum"

"Okay thank you honey" she smiles at me and her and Calum exit the car

"Okay so how shall we do this" I sigh to myself

I look at her and begin smiling like an idiot again, I can't wait until the day I finally get to call her mine. I can't even thank Ashton enough for getting me this far in two months then I ever have in nine years.

"Baileyyyyy" I sing song "Its time to get up"

She shifts around and closes her eyes tighter

"I don't wanna" she murmurs

"You never want too" I laugh "But you have too baby"

"Baby? That's new"

"Not really..I always call you something"

"Yeah like babe or Bai but never that"

"I don't know I guess I'd change it up" I shrug "But we really do need to get going my mum's flight leaves soon"

"Alright" she groans "I never thought I'd ask this of you but can you carry me? My stomach hurts really bad"

"Yeah of course I will, hold on" I get out of the car and she moves closer to the end then hops on my back

"If I become to heavy just let me know" she yawns "But I think I'm going to nap on you"

"Are you sure you're okay? Why are you so tiered?"

"Just stuff you know?" She mumbles resting her head on my shoulder

"No I don't know actually"

"I'll tell you later...or something"

"Why is it like a secret?

"No Luke it's not a- oh my God Luke pole!"

"Wait a-" I feel cold metal come in contact with my face and before you know it I'm lying on the groud in pain. I look around and swear I'm in a cartoon because I see stars.

"Luke please get off of me" Bailey loudly groans pushing me off her

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I get up dusting off my own pain and rush to her lifting her up.
I set her in my lap and check around her body for any cuts or forming bruises.

"Next time I shout pole you should probably look at where the fuck your walking!"

"I said I was sorry Bailey calm down!"

"I wouldn't have to if you paid attention for once in your damn life!" She barks slapping my hand away. She gets up and begins storming inside the airport with Calum and my Mum while I sit here confused as all hell. I guess I should go after her..? Unfortunately I don't have Ashton to help me out with this one so I guess I'm on my own. 

"Bailey wait up!" I shout running after her. I can see she's trying to walk faster to avoid me so I pick up the pace. I come up close behind her and grab her waist.

"Let. Me. Go." She growls facing me

"Why are you so upset with me all of the sudden?" I furrow my eyebrows "I don't get it"

"Well I don't get a lot of stuff you do! Like why do you get possessive and jealous all the time? Why have you waited nine years to tell me you're in love with me? Oh wait here's a good one, why don't you listen to me when I say there's a pole in front of you?!"

"What does any of that have to do with anything!?"

"I don't fucking know but it's all true!"

"Babe you were fine ten minutes ago what the hell is wrong!"

"Nothing your just dumb okay? Okay thanks. Now if you don't mind I'm going to go walk with your Mum for a while" she rolls her eyes and turns on her heel walking over to my Mum. What just happened?

I honestly need some answers on why she's acting like this because it's never been like this before, Bailey's always sweet and caring not rude and snappy. I figure if anyone should know why she's acting like this it'd be Calum so I make my way to him.

"Hey man" I nudge his arm and he looks at me "Has Bailey ever just randomly gotten mad at you? I don't know why but I screwed up and ran into a pole while I was carrying her and now she's just raging on me" I sigh

"Um yeah...what's the date?"

"September 9th...why?" 

"Beginning of the month? She's definitely on her period...most girls don't get mood swings as bad as her but get use to it because basically everything you do for the rest of the week is going to annoy the shit out of her" he laughs "Perks of dating my sister, I wish you luck"

"Still not dating Cal"

"But we all know you will be'll probably end up getting married or something, but don't hurt my sister or I'll beat the shit out of you" he smiles sarcastically

"What? You didn't do shit to Michael!"

"That's what everyone thinks...he got what was coming too him" he smirks

"You beat him up? When?"

"Nah I did something way better"

"And that would be..?"

"Well when we went to your mum's for dinner I dropped of you and Bailey and then went to help Micheal pick out some hair dye, he picked black but I may have switched the color out with pink" he smiles proudly "So if he's as dumb as I think he is then we shall see a pink headed Michael in school tommorow"

"Did you really! Man that's sweet!"

"I'd like to think so" he laughs softly "But really you know how fragile Bailey is and I don't need her getting hurt so treat her right okay?"

"Yeah I get it...I really do love her though Cal, I don't think we'll have a problem"

"Good, good but seriously you're easier to get than Michael so I will hurt you" he pats me on the back walks over too my Mum and Bailey

Well at least I'm on someone's good side

Well I'm bad at writing when I'm sad so I hope this was okay for you guys...Ily

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