Chapter 24

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"So incase you haven't realized we came here for you to give me a pep talk on girls and that never happened" Calum laughs entering the car

"Oh my gosh Cal you're right! It slipped my mind I'm so sorry I'll deffinetly do it when we get home I swear" I gasp

"No I'm just messing with you Bailey it's almost one a.m your fine"

"No way I'm not letting you go to a party with a ton of cute girls and have you not know how to talk to any of them! When we get home you can practice on Ashely okay?"

"What? Why not you?!" She retorts

"Um because I'm his sister and that's weird! Its not like you have anything better to do than have a staring contests with Ashton for an hour"

"Hey we don't do that!"

"Oh honey there's a lot of stuff Ashton does while you're gone that you don't know about" I tell her stifling in a laugh

"What do you mean...?"

"Oh nothing let's just say I caught him playing around" I burst out laughing

"Oh my God you're joking!" She gasps shocked

"Nope I'm serious saw it myself"

"Um pardon me but can we please talk about something else!?" Calum pipes in

"Yeah yeah whatever party pooper"


"Cabin sweet Cabin" I sigh entering "Alright let's do this thing Ash go upstairs and tell everyone about the party while I give Cal some tips so he'll be ready when you get back"

"Got it!" She smiles running upstairs

"Okay Cal let's do this, step one is to walk up to a girl with confidence...but not to much you don't want to come off as an asshole or anything but since you have that adorable baby face of yours I don't think that'll be a problem, just to make sure throw a smile in there to girls will go nuts for that"

"Okay got it...I think"

"I'm back!!! Everyone said they'd go to the party!" Ashely announces skipping into the living room

"Great! Now get your preppy ass in here so this kid can learn about women!"

"Gee alrighty thanks" she mumbles walking over to the kitchen counter

"Okay Calum now just like I told you confidence! Now go get that girl"

He begins walking over to Ashely...Well I wouldn't call it walking more like a guy that just broke his leg and looks like he wears his pants down to his ankles kind of walk

"Oh this may take a while" I sigh


"Cal it's not that hard! Especially when it's just Ashely why do you keep freezing?" I yell extremely frustrated

"Don't worry Cal your not doing that bad just try to be more confident with yourself and you'll do great" Ashely smiles giving him a thumbs up

"See I like her way better" Calum states pointing to Ashley

"Ugh Calum it's almost two in the morning and you still don't get this!"

"You try talking to an attractive person and not freezing its not that easy!"

"Yes it is! Here I'll show you I'll even go get one of the guys!"

"Not Micheal it'll be too easy for him!"

"Fine whatever!" I shout back

I run upstairs and pull Luke out of bed not even giving him time to grab a shirt as I drag him downstairs.We reach the living room and he looks around extremely confused.

"Bailey what's going on? I thought you  where mad at me..."

"Oh trust me I am but listen Luke I need you to flirt with me to show Calum how easy it is! Please Luke I know this probably awkward for you but Cal said I couldn't get Michael and I wouldn't dare wake up Ashton and it's two a.m and I wanna sleep so please!" I pleed desperately

"Oh uhm...okay I guess I can do that" he smiles excitedly

"Well Calum the first thing you want to do is get comfortable around the if you've known her for years even" he smirks at me and I roll my eyes

"Uhm okay" he clears his throat "Then I suggest complimenting her, maybe tell her how beautiful her eyes are, Or mention how you couldn't help but notice how amazing her smile is" he gently puts his hand on my cheek and softly strokes it, Cal better be taking notes because right now I'm in the most magical daze

"Then if she seems into you you're going to want to take it a little further and just gently place your hands on her hips, not forceful but enough to make sure she's comfortable" he does just that and beings to rub small circles along my hips

"Then you spark a nice conversation and see where it goes from there...but since you're my bestfriend Calum I'm going to give you another lesson on how to approach a girl when you want to kiss her"

"Um don't worry you don't have to do that" he uncomfortably shifts

"No I insist" he smirks grabbing my hips again "You want to start off like you did when you where going to talk to her...then you just look her in the eyes like she's the most important thing to you in the world" he starts and I can't help but gulp anticipated as to what he'll do. I look over and Calum and he just smirks

"You gently stroke her cheek as if she's glass and could break any second and then you just...lean in"



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