Chapter 42

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Calums p.o.v (didn't expect that huh?)

I can't do this I really can't. I feel my palms become sweaty and I start shaking.

"Bailey what if she doesn't like me? Or atleast not like how I like her"

"Calum listen she is out that door right now and you can't turn back okay? If you really like her like you say you do then show her that" she kindly smiles at me and opens the door, here goes nothing.

"Hi!" Nayeli enters smiling brightly "You must be Calums sister....Bailey right?"

"Yuppers that's me" Bailey smiles in return

"So I hope you don't mind me asking but are you okay? I heard what happened"

"Oh me! Yeah I'm totally fine! But let's not focus on that right now lets focus on Calum" Bailey urges pointing towards me

"Hey Nayeli" I smile "You look nice"

"Um thanks, this is what I was wearing all day today but I'm just going to say so do you" she laughs...smooth Calum real smooth

"Well Um yeah...we'll be going now" Bailey drags out leaving with the boys. The door slams and we're now left alone.

"So how was your day?" I ask awkwardly

"Calum are you okay" she giggles "You're not acting like yourself"

"Um yeah" I smile placing my hand on the counter "I'm totally fine"

"Are you sure?" She smirks

"Yeah why would you think I'm not?"

"Because you have your hand in a bowl of what looks to be potatoes" she laughs point at the bowl

"What!" I look down and see she's right, I lift up my hand which is now lathered in potatoes and put it under the sink turning it on. "Okay" I sigh "Maybe I'm a tad nervous...only a little though"

"Well why are you nervous?"

"Because you make me nervous" I sigh

"I do?" She smiles "Is that a good thing?"

"Well yes and no, no because that means I'm going to keep acting weird and yes because it means that I like you" Wait should I have said that? Was it too soon? Calum she's gonna think you're weird!

"You like me?" She asks smiling

"Um yeah! Like we've become best friends don't you think?" Totally just saved that

"Oh, yeah" she nods "Friends"

" are you hungry?"

"Yeah actually I am"

"Great! So do you want to eat now? I made spaghetti if that works for you"

"Yeah that works just without meatballs because I'm a vegetarian"

"Oh I didn't know that, guess you learn something new everyday"

"Yeah" she laughs "Also I have a question...if you didn't plan on us eating those potatoes why we're they there?" she laughs

"Um my sister likes to do weird things when I'm not home...apparently making potatoes is now added to the list"

"She seems pretty fun" she laughs

"Yeah she sure is how about I finish this up and then we just talk for a while?"

"Depends will it be your weird talk? Or normal?"

"To be honest I can't predict which one it'll be but hopefully it'll be normal"

And hopefully this night goes well

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