Chapter 5

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Bailey's p.o.v.

Brittany. Out of all people why her? Why would Luke even consider talking to her? I hope Ashton had a misunderstanding with the whole "some girl he likes" thing because she's down right horrible.

Luke knows all of the shit she's put me through, so I just don't understand how he could possibly have any interest in her!Ugh, I need to call Ashely.

I pick up my phone, and dial the number. It rings for a second until she picks up.

"Hey Bai how's it going?"

"Pretty good, I guees"

"That's good! You told Ashton I said hi right?"

Shit I totally forgot...oh well what she doesn't know won't kill her.

"Um yeah. He said you should come over to hang soon"

"Really he wants to hang out?

"Yeah..." I answer sounding unsure "But listen Ashely I have a problem"

"Okay spill"

"You remember Brittany right?"

"Sleazy, easy, bitchy, Brittany? Of course how could I forget? Can't wait to see her face again " she snorts.

"Well her and Luke started talking, and I don't like it.

"Probably because you hate her, and she's been a bitch to you for like you know ever, but that's just a guess"

"Yeah, but it's not even that. I want to punch her in the face for even thinking she has the right to speak to him."

"Honey, we would all love to do that"

"Come on Ash I'm serious!"

"Well I hate to break it to you hun but it sounds to me like you're jealous"

"Jealous?" I scoff "Are you serious?"

"Yes, you're scared that there won't be room in his life for you both."

"That can't be it at all.  Luke would never replace me with her."

"Listen you asked me for my opinion and I'm giving it to you. Sorry if it's not what you wanted to hear."

"No it's not like tha-"

I get interrupted by a knock on my door. "Hold on Ashely" I mumble getting up. I open up the door, and come face to face with Luke.

I bring my phone back up to my ear. "Ash I'm going to have to call you back." I hang up before she can even respond, and falsely smile up at Luke. "Hey Luke"

"Hey Bai." He awkwardly smiles. Silence fills the room, and I look up at him again.

"So is there a reason you came in here? Or did you just want to have a stare down?"

"Oh um...yeah well it's our first day back, and like you said we really haven't talked. I figured we could now."
"Maybe we could have talked if you weren't so busy talking to Brittany all day" I mumble under my breath.


"I think you heard me"

"Oh... I see. It's completely okay for you to be mad at me for talking to a girl all day, but it's a crime for me to be upset because your world revolves around your boyfriend?" He scoffs. "That makes perfect sense."

"Excuse me, but my world does not revolve around him!"

"Please that's the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard" 

"Whatever Luke if you came up here to fight with me then you can just leave! I don't know why you're in such a shit mood for no reason! So much for changing you're attitude!" I feel myself tearing up, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry.

"What are you even talking about? I came up here with no intention to argue at all, you started this! Maybe I'm not the one who needs to change my attitude, because you're just as bad. Have you ever thought of that? You know what? Of course you didnt, because you always think you're so innocent, and fucking perfect, and God sometimes I-I just hate you!"

Hearing him say those words was enough to make my heart shatter.

"Wha-what?" I manage to croak out.

" Bailey listening I didn't mean it I-I didnt mean to- "

"Just leave" I mumble as tears continue to pathetically fall from my eyes.

"No Bailey please listen Im sorry"

"Damn it Luke I said leave!"

His face looks shocked, and disappointed, but instead of attempting to argue back at me he does what I say and leaves.

I slam my door after he walks out, and fall back onto my bed. I can't believe that just happened. He's never yelled at me like that...well aside from one certain time.

Does he really hate me? Or was he just mad? Sadly I can't even answer that.  For all I know he was only pretending to be my friend for all these years. He very well could've, I'm Calum's sister maybe he felt like he had to. He didn't like me to much when we were younger anyways. Is that why he's talking to Brittany? Because he's sick of me?

I begin to have an ongoing war in my mind, trying to put this all together. But my thoughts start to leave my mind as I feel my eyelids getting heavy, and I soon fall asleep.


This was kind of bad sorry guys, it'll get better!

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now