Chapter 63

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Luke's p.o.v.

"Luke. Tell me." Bailey demands sternly.

So this is it huh? This is when I lose her. Part of me was hoping that I'd never have to go through with telling her about this but the other part of me knew this would come. I know I have to tell her but I can't, as soon as I let go of those words I'm letting go of her. I feel tears begin to form in my eyes and I look over at my mum.

"Luke what are they talking about?" She asks gently.

"Bailey can I talk to you outside?" I say barely above a whisper. She gets out of her chair not speaking a word and storms outside with me silently following behind. I open up the door and the cold breeze hits my face. I notice Bailey begin to shiver so I hand her my jacket.

"I don't want it" she snaps "What I want is answers. Why would you lie to me about being a virgin? And what the hell was Micheal talking about? What haven't you been telling me Luke?"

"I-I told you I was a virgin because I thought it would be easier to get you to sleep with me" I croak as my voice beings to crack "I'm sorry"

"Sorry? You're fucking sorry? No what you are is sick, who the hell does that to someone Luke? Especially someone they so call claim to love"

"I do love you"

"Whatever, what else is there hmm? What else haven't you told me?"

"Okay" I breath shakily "I-I never actually dated Brittany, I made up a plan to bring her here to make you jealous so you'd break up with Michael and date me"

"Unbelievable" she sighs as a tear slips from her eye "You're fucking unbelievable"

"Listen I know you're mad but-"

"Mad? Mad is a bit of an understatement Luke I'm livid. I can't believe you'd do this to me! You are the one person I always thought I could trust, even more than my own brother and you fucking do this?! You're sick Luke! Absolutely fucking sick! Our entire relationship has been based off of a lie and you were completely okay with that weren't you? You wouldn't have cared if I never found out would you? As long as you got what you wanted you would've lied to me for years. Well you know what? You're a selfish lying bastard and I want nothing to do with you" she cries storming off.

"Bailey please listen to me!" I plead grabbing her arm.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say!" She screams snatching her arm away "All you've done was break me! This entire time I've been blaming every one else for what's been happening to me when the main cause of it was you! Its you're fault that I'm like this!"

"I know baby I'm sorry just please hear me out-"

"Don't fucking call me that!"

"I'm sorry but Bailey I need you to listen to me! I love you okay? Everything I've ever said about loving you has always been true and it always will be you have to believe me"

"Actually I don't believe that for one second" she sobs "If you loved me you would've never done this..and you know what? I don't love you. I might have thought I did but that's only because I was being minipulated to believe so."

"Bailey please don't say that" I cry holding onto her "You do love me and you know it Bailey, please don't do this to me"

"No Luke I don't love you" she says pushing me away "I thought you were my future but you're not Luke, now you're just my past"

"Bailey please" I beg falling onto my knees "I can't lose you"

"You should've thought about that before Luke" by now makeup is running all down her face and I can't bare knowing that I caused all of this. I'm down here crying on my knees over something that's my fault.

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