Chapter 16

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Hiyyaaaa so that's what the cabin looks like mainly because I just thought it was bad ass lolol anyways thank you to everyone reading and commenting and voting it means so much and we love you guys

Bailey's p.o.v.

I pull away from the kiss and press my forehead against Luke's, he smiles at me then kisses my nose and I can't help but giggle

"Man" I sigh "What's wrong with us"

"Many many things my dear"

"I feel so bad though, I'm cheating on Michael and you know I never cheat not even on a test Luke"

"I know...remember in eighth grade when Mrs. Macy thought you had cheated on your spelling test and threatened to give you a zero and you cried" he laughs

"Only because I didn't cheat!" I whine defending myself

"Yeah whatever you say"

"But Luke I'm serious I'm a horrible person I can't believe I've done this to him twice! What's wrong with me? He wouldn't do this to me! And Brittany may be a terrible person but she doesn't deserve this either"

"So you're saying you regret all of it? Wow that's great thanks Bailey" he rises from the couch and walks into the hallway and I follow behind

"Luke no that's not what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean Bailey? You can't just kiss me then talk about your boyfriend afterwards like I'm not even there!"

"I'm sorry I get you have feelings for me and-"

"Ha feelings for you? That's what you think this is?" He laughs

"Yeah...I mean you-you kissed me and-"

"The first time I kissed you was because you wouldn't shut the hell up and a few minutes ago is just because I haven't seen Brittany in a while and I miss the feeling got it? Nothing more."

"B-but I-" I try and choke back my tears but it fails horribly and there now rapidly falling down my face. He opens his mouth to speak but just turns away instead

"I'll see you in a few hours goodnight I guess" he turns and walks upstairs and I don't even have the energy to do the same so I replace myself back onto the couch now in deep thought

Why did he act like that? I've betrayed Michael's trust twice now for him and he has the audacity to tell me it meant nothing, he has such horrible mood swings. One minute we're happy and kissing the next we're fighting like children.

The thoughts in my head run rapid for a while until my eyes become heavy and I'm drifting into a somewhat peaceful sleep.






"Baileyyyy" I feel someone shake me

"Guys I told you she's not going to wake up"

"Shut up Calum"

"Luke You wake her up"

"Sorry man I don't think that'll be the best idea"

Damn right it won't be. Obviously the guys are trying to wake me up and they're failing horribly. I'm now awake but I think I'll pretend to be asleep curious as to just what theses idiots will do.

"Wait Wait guys I got this" Ashton laughs "I'm going to pour cold water onto her"

"Hey man don't I got something better" Michael objects

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