Chapter 23

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I don't get it, I really don't.

Why does he keep doing this to me? We have a nice conversation one second and the next he's trying to kiss me. I mean I really really wanted to kiss him but I can't keep letting him take advantage of me then have him yell in my face telling me it meant nothing to him when I meant the world to me.

I'm admitting it to myself I really like Luke but what can I do about it? He has his girlfriend yeah but I mean he's constantly cheating on her and I bet she's not very faithful aswell. But why is this all just happening now? I've known Luke forever and he's never done anything like this I just doesn't make sense. And why would he wait until he had a girlfriend to come onto me?

I keep trying to calm myself down but it's not working the tears just keep falling and it's becoming overwhelming. I may be pissed at Luke but I need to listen to him and calm down. When I was younger I would have frequent panic attacks and it would get to the point where nothing could calm me down. One time when I was about 13 I was home alone with Luke while the rest of the boys went to get us dinner and I kept crying because I was thinking about why my parents left us alone here and moved to America not even leaving us a reason. It got to the point where all I could do was shake and cry and I couldn't even call out for anyone. Thankfully Luke came in to ask me what I wanted to drink because otherwise I probably would've had a heart attack. He was freaking out because he didn't know what to do and he kept calling the boys but they wouldn't answer. Finally he just grabbed me and started singing to me, I don't know how but it worked and ever since then he's been the only one that can calm me down.

"That's the Luke I miss and want back Not this one, not the one that yells and screams and makes me cry I want my innocent adorable kind hearted Luke" I say out loud,yes I've reached the point of where I must talk to myself how lovely "I feel like this is all my fault..probably is but what did I do wrong? And what do I have to do to get him back?" I sigh

"Talking to yourself again?" I'm startled when I hear a voice and look up to see Calum

"Oh" I breath "It's just you" what a relief

"Nice to see you too sis thanks"

"No no it's just I thought you where someone else and let's jus say I'm glad your not" I laugh slightly settling back down into my bed

"I'm guessing Luke correct?"

"Um yeah actually, how'd you know?"

"Bai I know everything" he smirks

"Oh Calum but I bet you don't" I laugh "I've gotten myself into some shit that I can't take back"

"I know Bailey...I know you kissed Luke, I know about your fight with Michael, I know you're really pretending to get along with Brittany..and I feel like there's more things going on but I'm not sure yet"

"Trust me Cal if anything else happened  I'd probably explode" I laugh hesitantly rubbing my temples

"You know it's bad enough having Michael dating you, now I have Michael dating you, Ashton checking you out and Luke crushing on you..if anyone's going to explode it's going to be me"

"Don't worry Michael hasn't talked to me in a few days, why? Hell if I know, Ashtons like my older brother and Luke well he has no feelings for me...told me himself" I try to blink back my tears but one slips and next think you know I'm a wreck "I just don't get it Cal it use to be so simple! We all had our own thing that we stuck to and now everyone's changing to fast! I-I can't keep up!" He comes over to my side puts me in his lap and starts playing with my hair as I hug him

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