Chapter 65

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"Luke calm down" I beg taking his hand "I hate seeing you like this" Bailey stop, you're not giving in.

"I'm sorry" he cries gripping the bottom of my shirt "Please don't leave me Bailey"

"Luke you know I have to" I whimper placing my hand against his cheek "And I can't sit here and baby you like what you did was okay. You did this to yourself and you need to face that" God I feel like I'm talking to a five year old.

"I can't lose you" he breaths "Bailey I need you"

"You may think that now, but you're going to find someone else okay? I'm sorry but I can't be with someone who constantly lies to me Luke"

"I won't ever again Bailey I promise just please give me another chance"

"Luke you need to get yourself together" I sigh "I'll be right back" I walk away leaving him on the floor and grab Calums arm. I drag him out of the room with me and he looks confused.

"Go get Liz" I demand

"What? No. If Liz finds out Luke's been drinking and then sees this mess on top of that? She's going to kill him."

"Well we can't just let him stay here destroying our house and knocking shit over Cal! He's not even listening to me of all people, we need Liz"

"She's going to be so pissed"

"She's honestly right down the street! We can't leave him like this!"

"Why can't you go get her!"

"Because if Luke starts flipping out again I need to be here! Calum since this entire breakup started you have not been there for me once. Now I'm asking you to do me this one fucking favor, can you please just do it?"

He stays silent for a moment before speaking. "I sorry I haven't been there for you Bailey, I'll go get Liz" he mumbles walking away. It's about time. I walk back into Luke's room and sit down across from him.

"Are you okay now?" I ask hoping he's ready to start acting rational about this.

"No Bailey I'm not okay, and until I have you back I don't think I ever will be"

"Luke you need to stop. You're not going to guilt trip me on this. And don't you think I should be the one hurting here? I gave you my trust, my love, my faith and biggest of all my fucking virginity, so why are you hurt? Tell me that."

"Because I lost you and I can't do anything about it" he says with his voice dry and hoarse. "I understand that I hurt you, I know I'm a liar and a complete jerk, and I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am."

"I don't think sorry is going to fix this Luke"

"Then what will? I'll honestly do anything Bailey"

"I dont want to have this discussion, I don't even want to be talking to you right now to be honest"

"Bailey I've known you since I was a kid, we grew up together, we've done everything together, are you really going to let this one thing break us apart?"

"I'm not the one who let it happen Luke."

We sit in silence. All you can really hear are the occasional sobs coming from Luke. We stay like this for about fifteen minutes, where the hell is Calum?

I casually look over at Luke and feel a pain in my chest. I know I can't forgive him, but damn it hurts seeing him so torn up about this. I don't understand why I feel so bad when he honestly deserves it. He deserves to cry and be hurt by me like I did for three months because of him. He doesn't deserve my pity or sympathy just because he decides to throw a tantrum about this.

"Luke Robert Hemmings what the hell do you think you're doing!" Liz screams storming into the room "When I told you that you could stay here for another night I didn't mean you could do all of this! What has gotten into you young man?"

"Stop screaming I have a fucking headache" he groans grasping the side of his head.

"Watch your tone!" She yells "You need to figure yourself out Luke because whatever's going on with you needs to stop!"

"You people act like you don't know what's wrong with me! I fucking hate myself, and the fact that I hurt one of the most important people in my life! You try living with that because it's not exactly easy!"

Every one goes silent and looks at him. I can tell Liz and Calum feel bad but I certainly don't. For all I know this is an act Ashton came up with to make me fall for him again.

"Luke we need to go home" Liz says calmly

"I'm not leaving unless she's staying here"
"Luke you can't control her, maybe she's trying to move on, I believe you need to do the same. This relationship ended for a reason and how do you think you look pathetically lying around begging for someone to take you back? You're my boy and I love you, but Luke I think it's time to give it up"

He looks up at her and then at me and slowly shakes his head. He carefully gets up and walks towards me with his eyes full of distress.

"I'm sorry" he whispers as a single tear falls from his eye. "I'm sorry for what I did to you, I'm sorry for what I put you through and I'm sorry for all of this" he says shakily and walks away. I watch him walk away and as I do I feel a weight behing lifted off of my shoulders. I don't have to worry about anymore drama, a relationship, or anything. For once I feel like I'm free to do whatever makes me happy and not have to worry about anyone else. Sure I'm letting go of someone who use to mean a lot to me but I feel as though that's a chapter of my life that came to a close for a good reason.

"Hey Cal?"

"Yeah Bailey?"

"Anthony's in the parking lot, can you tell him he can go now? I think I'm going to take a nap"

"Yeah of course, and Bailey?"

"Yeah Calum?"

"I'm sorry about how I was acting before, let me know if you need anything" he smiles.

"Okay, thanks Cal"


I'm sorry these ones have been so short omg. I'm pretty sure the next chapter is the last, hopefully it's a good ending.

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