Chapter 8

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Bailey's p.o.v.

After having my awkward stare down with Luke in the bathroom I head into my room to get dressed. I change into my clothes, throwing my previous ones into a basket. After, I decide to go downstairs to hand out with the guys for a while.

I walk into the kitchen, and look at the stove clock to see what time it is, 12:00. My stomach growls, and I realize I'm starving. I walk into the living room and see Cal and Michael.

"How is it you people haven't bought any food your whole time being back?"

"How come you haven't? You're the girl it's your job" Calum smirks

"Fuck off Hood. I hope if we all die of starvation you're the first to go" I scowl. Calum loves to make jokes about females having to do all of the work, and I for one don't find it funny at all. Frankly, I hate it.

I cross my arms, and go to pout when Michael pulls me into his lap. "You know he's just messing around baby girl" he whispers in my ear."Don't let it get to you"

"Yeah alright, but seriously guys I'm so hungry that I think my stomach is going to begin eating itself. Then I'll die, and it'll be all your fault" I dramatically sigh placing my hand over my forehead in despair. Michael pulls me off his lap, and stands.

"Bailey, Calum go grab your stuff while I find Ashton we shall leave for pizza"

I stand along with him "Oh thank God! I can see it now it guys, real, actual, food"

"One, Bailey stop acting like you haven't been given food in years and two, what about Luke? Is he not coming along?" Cal questions.

Oh yeah what about Luke? Wait...I forgot. I don't care. I hope he does stay home.

"He's got a girl over, wouldn't want to intrude now would we?" he winks "You two get ready Ill be right back with Ashton, and then we can head out" he tells us, leaving the room.

"Ooo Luke's got a lady friend, I wonder if she's hot" Calum laughs

"Well Cal if it's who I think it is then trust me she's not that great" I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Who exactly do you think it is?"

"Trust me, no one important."

Luke knows damn well I don't like Brittany, and I know he brought her here. I get he's mad at me, but he could at least have some human decency to not bring her around here. He knows it'll cause nothing but trouble, but what I fear is that's what he's thriving for. If that's what he wants, then I'll make damn sure it's not what he gets.

Luke's p.o.v.

Brittany and I are all ready to go downstairs to get this thing started, until we here a knock on the door. I get up to answer it praying it's not Bailey, and relief washes over me to see Ashton instead. Huh, that's a first.

"Aren't you suppose to be downstairs already Ash?"

"Yeah change of plans we have an even bigger opportunity to make Bailey jealous" he grins "Just so happens lunch is not taking place here today, but instead they're all going out for pizza. They want me to go"

"Okay, and what the hell do you expect Brittany and I to do? Sit here until you all get home? Because I can guarantee you I'm doing that"

"No you two will come with us, of course"

"But Ashton they only invited you" Brittany chimes in. "They obviously don't want us there."

"Just come down with me, and follow my lead. You're about to have your first lesson in the guilt trip"

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