Chapter 2

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Don't be confused because it's a totally different placement from the last chapter. Its just a little recap thing :).

Bailey's P.O.V

"Yes Ashley I'll tell Aston you said I won't feel his hair for you!"

Ashley is my best friend, but sometimes I cannot stand hearing about her crush on Ashton.

"Ashley I know you really like him I'll tell him you said hi when he gets here, okay?" Just as those words leave my mouth a familiar van containing my four favorite people pulls up, and I grin excitedly.

"Ahh okay Ash they're here I'll have to call you later!" I don't even think she heard half of what I said, but I'm way to excited to care

I jump off of the couch, and dash out the door as quick as possible. I open up the door, nearly knocking Luke over, running straight into Michaels arms taking him back a little. He chuckles tightly holding me, then pulls me back placing a kiss onto my forehead.

"Hey baby girl, miss me?" He smirks obviously knowing the answer.

"God more than you know" I groan hugging him again.

"I bet I missed you more" he whispers, gently rubbing my shoulder. "So since you totally just ran past everyone else why don't you say we go inside and catch up with everyone, yeah?"

"Yeah of course!" I smile taking his hand, swaying our arms back and forth.

When I get inside I rush over to my brother basically tackling him. "Calum, I missed you!" I squeal rocking him side to side.

"I missed you too Bai" he laughs ruffling my hair. I let go of him, and turn to see Ashton.

"Ash! How are you?" I ask embracing him next.

"I'm great, how are you shrimp?"

"Wonderful now that you guys are here!" I look around the living room and notice Luke isn't here. Odd. "Well...most of you that is, where's Luke?"

"Probably upstairs babe" Michael answers stopping his conversation with Calum.

"Oh okay, I'm going to go check on him I'll be right back guys"

I haven't seen, or heard from Luke in a few weeks, and I'm really starting to miss my bestfriend. I don't know what's been up with him, but the boys told me he's been more distant lately, and it's slightly worrying them.

I reach the guest room and crack the door open slightly. "Knock Knock" I sing song knocking on the door. He looks up at me, and I smile. "Hey Luke, can I come in?"

"Yeah of course" he nods. I walk in, and take a seat onto the bed.

"So what's up? Haven't heard from you in a while." He asks me.

"Same old Same old" I shrug. "I just wanted to um apologize...sorry I nearly ran you over to get to Michael. I was just excited, you know how I get." I softly laugh, but he doesn't look amused.

"Yeah whatever it's fine." He snaps.

"Wow, okay. Are you okay? You seem on edge?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he says, but I can tell he's lying.

"How about we talk for a second, yeah?"


"I know you're mad about something, how about you just tell me."

"Well I mean it's just great knowing you missed the rest of us sooo much" he sarcastically snarls crossing his arms.

"What do you mean Luke?"

He stands up, and runs his hand through his hair looking frustrated.

"Bailey it means we all know you care about Michael way more than us, hell even your own brother probably knows. Please just go run back to your perfect little boyfriend, because I honestly don't want to hear your excuses." He sits back down, and sighs putting his head in his hands "I just don't get why he's so much more important than the rest of us"

"Luke while you guys were gone I missed every single one of you! You're honestly sounding like a child. Just because I didn't greet you first doesn't mean you don't matter to me. I don't know what's up with you, but the boys said you've been acting like this for a while. I can let you know right now that I'm not going to deal with it." He stays silent, and looks up at me then the floor. I wait for him to speak but be doesn't say anything. "Are you going to say something?"

"Yeah I'm sorry" he sighs "I guess I've just been a little bit off since we left home. Now we're all here, and we get to see you again, so I don't have a reason to be like that anymore" he softly smiles " I'm sorry I snapped at you like that, I know you missed the rest of us"

I feel myself begin to smile "That's much better. Now what do you say you come downstairs with the rest of us? We can all do some catching up."

"Yeah of course I'll meet you down there in a second alright?"

"Okay great" I smile heading back downstairs closing the door behind me.


Second chapter and they're already fighting. Great. xD.

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