Chapter 58

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So that's McKenzie^^^^^

Luke's p.o.v.

"Bailey! Luke!" Ashton screams "Calums here!"

"Shit" I groan rolling over "Bailey we need to get ready"

"But I'm tired" she whines

"Well would you like your brother to find out you just lost your virginity?"

"Good point" she says sitting up "Very good point"

"Yeah that's what I thought" I say standing up and quickly throwing on my pants.

"Ow shit!" I hear her groan

"What? What's wrong?"

"Nothing" she sighs "I'm just sore that's all"

"Sorry about that, it'll stop hurting as much when you keep doing it" I wink

"Luke oh my God stop" she blushes

"I'm just saying" I shrug fixing my hair "Okay how do I look?"

She looks up at me and begins laughing "You look like you just got done having sex so I suggest you fix yourself up a little more"

"I could say the same for you babe your hair is everywhere"

"Your the one who kept getting your hand stuck in it!"

"Hey it was an accident!"

"An accident that you repeated five times!"

"Well you sure sounded like you liked it" I mumble

"Well because for the most part I did" she laughs fixing her hair. She goes to walk out but stops and turns around looking at me seriously. "Luke....what do we do about Ashtons bed?"

"Damnitt" I sigh "I don't know..tell him and then apologize?"

"He can't know! If you haven't noticed secrets don't get kept well around here!"

"Trust me Bai Ashton can keep a secret" I reassure. She stays quiet for a second and looks back and forth at me and the bed.

"Are you sure?"

"Completely sure, just trust me"

"Alright" she sighs "I'm trusting you"

She takes my hand and we walk downstairs together. When we get down there we expect to see just Calum but it turns out Nayeli is with him. I'm not sure if I should say hi or maybe introduce myself but she seems kind of shy so I just keep silent.

"So are you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah I'll be there soon, I just need to talk to Ashton for a second" Ashton looks over at me confused but goes a long with it.

"Alright but hurry up we're both tired" he says shutting the door behind him.

"Alright Luke what's up?"

"Well you see...Bailey and I may have um done something in your bed and I just thought I'd let you know know"

"Did something? Wait...oh my God did you guys seriously fuck in my bed?" He shouts "What the hell!"

"Shhh they're going to hear you! And I mean look at the bright finally have a reason to change your sheets"

"That's disgusting Luke"

"I know and I'm sorry but we were in the moment! I wasn't just going to stop and tell her oh hey let's go move into a different room and do this"

"Well that would've been nice!"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now