Chapter 29

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So I've decided I'm going to try and find as many pictures as possible that look like Luke and Bailey and then I'm going to use them to fit in with every chapter because idk I think these pictures are hella cute so yeah that's them cuddling awwwww ^^^^^ AND HERE'S THE CHAPTER MY POTATOSSSSS

Bailey's p.o.v.

"Oh my God they look so cute" I hear someone whisper...I'm pretty sure it's Ashton

"When did this even happen? Are they dating now?" I hear a girly screech,that's deffinetly Ashely

"Shhh not so loud! And no I don't think so but I heard her and Michael fighting last night and I'm 99.9% sure they're over"

"Her and Luke are way cuter anyways I'm taking a picture!"

"Ashely no! They'll get mad at us!"

"I don't care Ashton this is to adorable to pass up"

"Ashely listen to Ashton before I go over there and break your phone in half" I groan opening my eyes and sitting up "And no me and Luke are not dating you stalkers"

"Hey we're not stalkers!" Ashton objects

"Yeah grumpy pants, you guys just look so cute that's all! I've been wanting you two together since the day he pushed you down the stairs" Ashley gushes

"Yeah you two have to get- Wait..he pushed her down the stairs?" Ashton laughs

"Yeah it was before we knew you Ash" I sigh

"Oh that's fucking great" He continues laughing doubling over hysterically "Did you go head first or tumble for a while?" He's now on the floor in tears

"Oh Ash hush" Ashely says hitting him

"Okay Okay...I'm done" be breaths wiping his tears "But the reason we came in here is to tell you guys we're leaving in a few hours so get what you need to be done done"

"Alright I'll start packing" I yawn standing up

"Dude!" Ashton screams turning around

"Dude what?" I shriek

"You're not wearing pants!" He yells facing me and covering his eyes

"Oh suck it up Ashton don't be a baby I'm sure if Ashely wasn't wearing pants right now you'd be fine" I scoff rolling my eyes

"Can't argue with that" He shrugs "Now wake up Luke and get packing shrimp we got places to be" He takes Ashely's hand and leaves my room

I huff and walk towards my bed and look at Luke. His blonde hair is over his forehead as usual and I hear him softly snoring which makes me laugh a little.

I climb onto him and take his arms in my hands. I begin to flair them in all different directions and make him slap himself a few times. He groans and opens his eyes sleepily looking at me.

"Good morning sunshine" I smile poking his cheek

"Good morning beautiful" He mumbles smiling. He shifts and takes a deep breath looking up at me "Bailey do you realize what mistake you're making right now?"

"Um no..what mistake am I'm making?" I ask confused

"You're sitting on a hormonal teenage boy while your not wearing pants Bailey where do you think this is gonna go?" He groans shifting again

"Oh, right...sorry" I blush "I just wanted to let you know that we need to start packing so we can get home in time"

"Alright but my mom won't be back from her stupid summer business trip until tommorow and that's only so she can make sure I get to school then she's leaving again so would you guys mind if I stayed at your place until like September ends?"

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