Chapter 38

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Luke's p.o.v.

"Okay kiddos I guess this is my flight...please look out for one another and be good to eachother, but not too good because I don't want to see any grandchildren when I return understood?"

"Yes Mum that won't be a problem"

"Especially if Luke doesn't learn how to act some time soon" Bailey snaps

"For the last time what did I do!?"

"Nothing just whatever" she groans

I look at my Mum confused "Are all girls like this?"

"What's that suppose to mean?" Bailey retorts throwing up her arms

"That you're acting crazy for no reason!"

"Oh really?"

"Um yeah! You're yelling at me for honestly no reason and it's insane! God and I thought Brittany was bad!

Just as those stupid words leave my mouth I feel everything stop. Everyone's eyes are on me and  I'm being judged by people that I don't even know. Bailey glares at me intensely for a moment then turns too my Mum. She quickly whispers something in her ear and hugs her tightly then walks towards me.

"Well if that's the case than slut city is calling and the throne awaits you" she smiles at me then hugs my Mum one last time before quickly exiting the airport gates. I turn to Calum and he shakes his head at me.

"You just made the three biggest mistakes you could ever make while dating a girl. You never tell her she's wrong, you never call her crazy and you never ever ever and I mean ever bring up your ex-girlfriend"

"Still. Aren't. Dating."

"And if you keep pulling shit like that you won't be for a while huh?" He scoffs

"Calum for the last time watch your mouth!" My mum shouts

"I'm sorry but you and I both want to see Bailey and Luke together and he's not doing so hot!"

"Since when did you become some girl expert!? Last time I checked you couldn't even simply
ask out Nayeli and you're going to try and give me advice?" 

"Nayeli has nothing to do with this so don't bring her into it for no reason!"

"Excuse me but I have a perfectly good reason! If you can't even ask out some girl then don't give me any advice!"

"Nayeli isn't "some girl"  and last time I checked I know Bailey more than anyone so I have every right to try and give you advice!"

"Calum why don't you stop being such a-"

"Would you two knock it off? Both of you need to calm down alright? Bailey is just doing what normal girls do during this time and you need to deal with it" she scowls and glares at us "Luke I don't care how much Bailey is going to drive you insane this week alright? You love her and you're going to act like it, and Calum your suppose to be the adult figure while I'm away so stop having petty arguments with those two"

"Okay fine" we both sigh

"Great, now both of you come hug me I'm about to leave"

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her "I love you Mum" I mumble "Please be safe and I'll see you soon"

"I love you too Luke, please be safe..and look out for Bailey, I know she's very smart and independent but she needs help sometimes..she won't admit it but she does okay?"

"Yeah I will, if she forgives me that is"

"She will okay? It's all normal and she should be fine later"

"Attention flyers flight 381 will be dispatching in about three minutes, I repeat flight 381 will be dispatching in three minutes thank you"

"Alright that's me" she sighs "Rember what I said! Look out for eachother and I'll see you in about three weeks, love you all!" She rushes to the gate and hands the man her ticket with a smile, then she's gone

I turn to Calum and see he looks stressed "You alright?"

"Not really..." he turns away from me and begins to leave

"If it's about what I said then I'm really sorry..I guess I was just angry" I say following him

"No it's fine" he sighs "Its know how you said I couldn't ask out Nayeli?"

"Yeah...I'm sorry I didn't mean to be-

"No the thing is your right, she's such an amazing girl and I want to do something special for her you know? Like to show her how much I like her"

"Cal you just met this girl Saturday"

"But for some reason I feel like I've known her for years"

"That's honestly the cheesiest thing I've ever heard in my life" I smile trying not to laugh at him, I mean if he really likes this girl who am I to judge?

"Coming from you! "Oh I just love Bailey sooo much she's so beautiful and sweet and I want to marry her and have thousands of children!""

"Oh hush I don't sound like that!"

"Yeah you do! All you do is go on and on and on about her!"

"Well pardon me" I scoff "You only don't like it because she's your sister"

"No that's not it at all its just she's your number one priority 24/7"

"Isn't that a good thing?"

"Well yeah at times but...our bands kind of falling apart because of it" he mumbles kicking his feet at the ground

"What do you mean? No it's not"

"Yeah okay we went on a little tour around Australia but don't you want something more? When's the last time any of us have focused on our music or making new videos? None of that's been happening because we're so consumed with much as we all like them we still need to worry about other things too"

I stay silent for a second look at the ground then back up at him "Yeah I guess you're right...I mean I'm not going to change how I am with Bailey but we could do more"

"How about we call the guys up today and agree to make a new cover on like Friday?"

We reach the car and I sigh

"Yeah I guess so...well here's the van"

"Yup and there's a raging Bailey in there who wants to rip your head off...good luck" 

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