Chapter 54

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Bailey's p.o.v.

After falling asleep to last night's events I wake up with a pounding headache. I see that it's only five and decide to be quiet so Calum and Luke can sleep. I tiptoe my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I open up the cabinet and pull out some Advil then grab a water. I go to walk into the living room to watch some t.v but when I walk in I see all the guys sprawled out onto the floor. What the hell?

"Ashton" I whisper nudging him "Ashton wake up"

"Hmm?" he mumbles rolling over "Oh hey" he smiles

"Why are all of you in my house?"

"We had a little working out to do last night...don't worry about it"

"What even happened?"

"Nothing, I said don't worry about it"

"How can I not worry!?"

"Shhhhh, every one else is still sleeping you know?"

"How can I not worry?" I ask in a quieter tone then before

"Because it's not important, boys will be boys" he shrugs

"That's not an excuse you know"

"I know I know" he sighs "But you have enough on your mind shrimp, you don't need more drama, especially about dumb stuff" he says pulling me into his lap "And today is going to be a good day with no problems, no fighting, no unwanted surprises, none of it" he smiles hugging me

"I thought you guys would save a day like that for my birthday or something" I mumble into his chest

"No because we're going to try and do it for a while, not just one day"

"Well I appreciate you guys trying" I smile

"Yeah" he sighs kissing my forehead "We do it for you kid"

"Ashton you know you're like my brother right? And I love you"

"Yeah I know, and I love you too shrimp"

"I hear a whole lot of loving going on with my girlfriend and I'm not being involved" Luke mumbles into a pillow

"Good morning to you too Lucas" I smile

"Please don't call me Lucas" he groans sitting up and running his hands through his hair "That's not my name"

"Yeah don't call him that he prefers to be called daddy" Ashton snickers

"Do not! If anyone has a daddy kink it's you Ash"

"Yeah but I admit to mine" he smirks

"Do you Luke?" I ask

"What? N-No of course not!"

"So you wouldn't like it if I called you daddy?" I ask moving towards him


"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure! Do I really have to wake up and be interrogated on this?" he groans as I place my self onto his lap, if this whole daddy thing is true then I am taking full advantage of it. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean in next to his ear.

"Are you sure daddy?" I whisper gently kissing his neck

"Fuck" he groans grabbing onto my hips "You're such a tease"

"Oh my god you do!" I laugh getting off of him "Ashton you were right!"

"Told you! Luke I've known you for so long do you honestly think I wouldn't find out?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now