Chapter 30

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Bailey's p.o.v.

I wake up and feel myself being carried by someone, I slightly open my eyes and see that someone is Luke. I want to make a comment about how he could've just woken me instead of having to carry me up the stairs but he looks frustrated enough right now.

I'm curious as to why he looks so upset but I wait until he puts me in my bed to say something

"Luke you okay?"

He jumps slightly and looks at me "Oh you scared me, I thought you were sleeping"

"Well I was..I like just woke up, but like I was asking are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just dealing with immature pricks, you know the usual" He sighs rubbing his temples

"What happened? Did Michael do something?"

"Yeah it was after you fell asleep, Ashton asked if you guys ended things and he started throwing a bloody fit about it saying he was drunk and he didn't mean anything he did or said and he started crying saying he'd do anything to get you back but he couldn't because I was in the way" he scoffs

"And..?" I question wanting him to continue

"And I told him last night he crossed the line and that I don't even want him near you, no one knew what we where talking about so I told everyone he hurt you and basically the whole van was a yelling mess, also some secrets were spilled but I'm pretty sure you don't want to hear them because they have to do with Michael and Brittany"

"Well you can't just tell me secrets were spilled and then expect me to not want to know, tell me"

"But you might get upset" He frowns

"Luke him and I are over with so honestly I don't care anymore" I shrug "Just tell me"

"Okay" He sighs "Brittany got really pissed that Michael said he wanted you back so she started bringing up all the times they had sex and started screaming at him asking if it was nothing to him, so you remember that night you thought we where being robbed but it was just Michael?"


"He was out with Brittany and apparently they fucked on several occasions while you guys where together and" He takes a deep breath and sighs "Let me just stop now before I put a hole in your wall"

"That dumb bastard" I mumble

"Yeah your telling me, I actually really do think Brittany has feelings for Michael though, like I don't think she just wants to toy around"

"I'm sorry Luke You must be hurting too I mean you were also cheated on not just me so if you wanna talk about it I'm here"

"Yeah but Bailey Brittany wasn't really important to me, I guess I thought she'd cover up how I felt about you so I could go away and let you be happy with Michael which was a stupid idea because no one could change how I feel about you" he smiles and I feel tears in my eyes

"Oh my gosh stop you're going to make me cry" I laugh covering my eyes

"No don't I rather see that beautiful smile on your face instead"

"Your too much Hemmings" I sigh "So is everyone already home?"

"Yeah we dropped them all off before we came here"

"This is weird I'm use to all of us being in one house together and now it's...quiet"

"Yeah well unfortunately summer can't last forever"

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