Chapter 46

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Bailey's p.o.v.

"So what exactly did you fuck up?" He laughs while I keep a straight face "Wait....this isn't a joke? Little Miss perfect actually fucked up for once? Wow this is amazing!"

"Can you try to not make this a joke? And what do you mean for once I'm currently suspended if you have forgotten! And can you not call me little miss perfect? There's a bunch of things in this world that I have done wrong and I'd appreciate know what let's just drop that" I sigh stopping myself

"Okay I'm sorry, what do you need to tell me babe?"

"Okay well....actually before I say anything can you promise to not yell at me?"

"I think we both know I can't make that promise...what did you do?"

"Okay well I guess it's more of what Michael did but it's like I did it back so it was equally both of our faults you know? But I mean...we kissed, like I'm over him you have to believe me when I say that like him and I are done and for real this time" I close my eyes tightly expecting him to blow but he stays silent. I open my eyes and see he's just standing there "You're not mad?" I ask confused

"Nope, Bailey as sad as it is I already expected this. Why do you think I was so resistant of you going with him? The only reason I'm not mad is because you're over him which means we can finally stop this bullshit right?"

"Yes..and Michael's over me too, he told me he's ready to move on"

"Well that's all I needed to hear" he smiles gently kissing my forehead "I love you"

"Maybe love you too"

Luke's p.o.v.

Am I honestly going to sit across from Micheal for the rest of the night with a straight face and act like I'm not completely fuming? The guy honestly does not fucking know what it means when I say not to touch my girl. It's actually quite simple, I say don't touch my girl and he listens but no around here we have to do everything the hard way.

I don't care if she's over him and I don't care if he's over her I really don't, all I want is for him to stay away from her. The only good part about this is that I can guilt trip her again which will get me even closer to finally getting her.

I look over at Bailey and see her scrolling through her phone and decide since she's not paying close attention to anything that now's my chance. I sigh and put on my best sad face and she looks at me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah" I sigh "I'm wonderful"

"You don't sound wonderful...come on tell me what's wrong" she says with a sympathetic expression

"I guess, it's say you're over Michael but how do I know that for sure? I mean you told me last time you were over him but we still had to go through this. I just get the feeling that you don't want me you know?"

"Luke" she sighs "Please don't think that, I'm honestly so sorry you're always so great and treat me so nice and all I do is cause drama like this but I promise it's're the only one I want okay?"

"Yeah okay I mean technically you aren't even my girlfriend so I guess you can do whatever, maybe I'm just being selfish" I pout. Is she honestly believing this shit? If music doesn't work out then I could always become an actor.

"No! You're not at all okay? Don't you dare blame this on yourself it was my fault" she glides over to me and places herself in my lap wrapping her arms around my neck "And like I said I'm really really sorry..I'll find a way to make it up to you" she smiles softly placing a kiss on my lips

"I think you can right now" I laugh pulling her closer to me. When she does stuff like this it honestly drives me insane to the point where I can barely think straight.

"Luke I'm not making out with you while the boys are in here...especially Calum" she mumbles

"Damn right you won't" Calum shouts "And then you question why I won't allow you two sleeping in the same room! I'm telling you Bailey you're going to get knocked up by this kid by the time you turn eighteen!"

"Excuse me but I don't intend on getting your sister pregnant, but thanks for your concern" I snap

"Guys just stop you're making a big deal out of nothing" Bailey sighs "We can pick this up again later" she mumbles kissing me

"No you won't" Calum growls

"Cal can you just calm down? You've never been like this with Michael so why are you being so hard on Luke?"

"Because Michael at least had the decency to not be all over you in front of me!"

"Alright then we won't anymore God calm down!"

"I am calm all I'm trying to say is that I'd prefer if you two-" he gets interrupted by his phone ringing "Hold on" he sighs digging in his pocket "It's C.P.S."

"Ew what do they want? There not suppose to even talk to us until Saturday" Bailey groans

"Well I'm answering it" he shrugs

Bailey turns and looks at me "What do you think they want?"

"I don't know babe, maybe they want to reschedule or something"

"That or there not even going to give Calum a chance and just take me away now" she mumbles

"Bailey don't say that you're not going anywhere alright? I wouldn't let them take you from us, none of us would. And besides don't you think it'd be pointless? I mean you'll be seventeen next week I think you can handle yourself by now"

"Yes but they're not understanding that, no matter how old I am I'll always be treated like a child" she sighs resting her head on my chest "It gets kind of old"

"I know, but things will look up eventually" I reassure her playing with her hair

"Alright that's great!" Calum smiles looking at Bailey "Is there a reason why you changed your mind?.....Oh alright, well thank you for your time...yep no problem have a nice night" he hangs up the phone and smiles "They're not coming, they changed their minds"

"Really!" Bailey shrieks jumping off of me "Calum this is amazing!" She yells embracing him while the rest of the guys cheer. She looks over at me with tears brimming in her eyes and smiles.

"Now those better be happy tears love" I laugh

"Yeah" she says smiling wider and nodding her head "Yeah they are" she hugs me tightly and I smile

"See I told you princess, everything's going to get better...I promise" I say hugging her tightly

"Okay guys this calls for a celebration!" Ashton shouts dancing around

"Ash it's not really that big of a deal" she laughs

"Um my best friend no longer has chances of being taken away from's a huge deal! Now come on guys taco bell on me!"

"I'd object but man I can't deny tacos" she groans "Alright let's go" she giggles grabbing Ashtons hand and running upstairs.

See this is what I love to see, that smile on her face. Nothing makes me happier then seeing her in a good mood. I know most of the time I'm the one that throws of her mood but I'm getting better at learning how girls work...I think.

And who knows, maybe in the future things will start looking up for all of us.

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