Chapter 15

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                             a penguin.etc. also I'm going to dedicate this chapter to Em_irwin_hood for being an awesome supporter and also typing in all caps  :D but anywhoreeee I'm done now here's the chapter lol 

"So what's it gonna be hun?"

I can't do this to Bailey she'll hate me, but then again she'll hate me even more if she figures out what I've been doing. I know it's wrong but so is everything else I've done so in all honesty what's the difference I've got nothing to lose.

"I'll-I'll do it" I gulp

She smirks while walking over to me and kisses my cheek

"Now that's my Lukey smart choice" she exits the room and I sigh in defeat


Bailey's p.o.v.

I wake up at around 4:00am to the sound of our front door shutting and glass breaking. Oh shit are we being robbed? I panic and slowly make my way to Luke's room knowing he's the lightest sleeper and it'll be easier to wake him. I cautiously open the door and make my way to the side of his bed trying to be as quiet as possible when I suddenly hit my ankle on the side of the bed frame.

"Mother Fucker" I whisper scream to my self but it's enough to wake Luke. He frantically rises from his bed and looks around in panic until his face softens when he realizes it's just me

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to wake you it's just that I hear someone downstairs and I have no clue who it is and what if we're getting robbed and I'm sorry I'll just go" I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist

"No no it's fine I'll go see who it is you stay here, if we are getting robbed I don't need you getting hurt" he softly smiles

"Okay thank you"

He slowly walks downstairs until he reaches the bottom of the stair case and I hear small voices conversating so I decided it's safe to head down.

"Luke? Is everything okay?" I whisper

"Yeah Bai it's just Michael were fine" he laughs "Well I'm going back to bed have fun you two" he walks back upstairs leaving me and Michael alone

"So care to explain why your coming home from god knows where at four am and breaking shit"

"Yes actually I was just out with some lads and when I walked in I accidentally knocked over the vase okay mom"

"Mom? Ha very cute"

"Well it's true all you do is nag and complain"

"Oh really? This is coming from the guy who cried because he didn't know what color to dye his hair" I smirk

"Whatever don't be such a bitch all the time god" he slurs

"Michael have you been drinking?"

"Ugh what is this stupid question day? Yes I have mother now let me go to sleep" He sulks upstairs stumbling a few times and I don't object him leaving especially if he's in this state. He knows I hate him drinking and promised he wouldn't anymore but has which hurts but I'm just going to ignore it for now, in a few hours we'll all be on our way to our last fun week of the summer and I don't want it ruined  before it even starts.

I'm already awake so I decided to keep it that way and just sit on the couch and watch some old movie. I begin to doze of until I feel the couch lower beside me. I turn and see it's Luke

"You didn't come back upstairs..I got worried"


"I heard you argue with Michael about drinking...I thought he did something to hurt you again" his voice is low

"Luke please don't bring it up he agreed to stop drinking and hasn't hit me in forever it's done and over with" I whisper cringing at the horrible memory

Micheal started drinking at the age of fifteenth and sometimes it would get out of hand. He knew I never liked it but he wouldn't listen and kept doing it anyways, until one night when he was completely shit faced and ended up hitting me. From that day on he hasn't touched any form of alcohol..until tonight that is.

"I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to...I was just worried that's are okay though right?"

He looks at me with genuinely concerned eyes and I haven't seen this side of Luke since they all came back home

"Yes, I'm fine" I look back at him and softly smile

"Good....Bailey I want to let you know that no matter what I do or say I'll always love you okay?"

"That rhymed" I giggle trying to lighten the now serious mood in the room

"Bailey please"

"Okay okay I'm sorry"

"Can you please promise me you'll remember that?"

"I promise" I stick out my pinky and smile at him and he does the same

"Alright Bai it's early and we gotta be up in two hours we should probably go to bed now"

"I just want to lay here" I pout

"Fine suit yourself" he gets of the couch and walks towards the stairs. I really want him to stay with me but would it be wrong asking him to do so? I don't care I'm doing it anyways

"Luke wait"

"Yes how may I help you" he turns flipping his hair back over his eyes

"Can you ya know if you don't mind possibly stay with me?"

He smiles and takes his seat back down on the couch wrapping his arms around me

"I thought you'd never ask"

I don't know what were doing but I'm loving it, no matter how wrong it may seem to be

Luke's p.o.v.

I was so worried that Michael had fucking hurt her and honestly he's lucky he didn't because I would not have held back. But right now that doesn't matter because I have her in my arms like I've always wanted. I'm aware that I made that deal with Brittany a few days ago but I still haven't told Bailey the kiss meant nothing, after all I haven't seen her since Friday and don't have to until later today so I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts.

"Bailey" I whisper

"Yeah Luke?"

"I know it's wrong and I know we both are in relationships but Bailey please let me kiss you" I beg. Oh my god I sound so desperate but I don't care it's all because of her I'd beg until the end of the earth to even just touch her or look at her and all those things will be taken from me in just hours

"Luke we can't keep doing this"

"Okay..I'm sorry I asked" I look away embarrassed

Duh Luke why would she kiss you? That was such a dumb question why'd you even ask? Now she probably thinks you're a perve great

"What I meant was...we can't keep doing this, after this" she looks up at me and smiles then leans in taking me off guard but I do the same

Our lips touch and I instantly feel sparks. She smiles into the kiss which makes me smile too. I love this, I love it so much. For once I feel like she's mine, for once I don't feel the guilt of tricking her, for once I forget she's with Michael the guy who constantly goes behind her back and never listens to her, for once I feel like it's me and her and everything else is just background noise 


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