Chapter 3

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Hiyaaa if you're reading rn you should totally pressure lol TY 3

Bailey's p.o.v.

I walk downstairs after my little encounter with Luke. I don't know what's up with him, but I hope he meant what he said about changing his attitude. I reach the living room, and sit on the couch next to Michael who has a concern spread across his face.

"Hey is everything okay? I heard yelling"

"Yeah everything is peachy" I lie

"Are you sure?"

"Yup everything's great, everything's fine, I'm as happy as can be!"

"Oh okay, good" he smiles

Obviously Michael isn't good at picking up on lies. I mean technically it was only a half lie. I was just reunited with my brother, boyfriend, and two bestfriends. Sure one may be a little on edge, but I should still be happy. I shouldn't let a little pointless argument ruin my day. I will be happy, and nothing's going to stop that.

Luke's p.o.v.

I. Am. Not. Happy. 

Two months I've been waiting to see Bailey. Two months I've been waiting to possibly show her that I'd be much better for her than Michael, but I doubt that'll ever happen now.

I mean yeah I was acting like an ass, but I'm just so fucking frustrated. Holding in my feeling for her isn't necessarily easy. There's been plenty of times when I've just wanted to say fuck it, and pour out my feelings to her. If it wouldn't have such a big effect on my friendship with Michael, I probably would've done it already.

I begin to argue with myself over wether or not I should join everyone downstairs. I mean I can't stay up here matter how tempting that sounds. I eventually decide to go with everyone else. I use all of the strength in me to get up, and make my way down the stairs.

"Hey Hemmings where have you been?" Michael asks me. Wow...of course he's the first person to greet me.

"Oh you know just relaxing, that tour sure was a work out"

"Well now that you're down here you can relax with the cool kids" Ashton laughs.

"I'm pretty sure if I was hanging with the cool kids you wouldn't be involved" I smirk sitting down.

We all begin talking about random things. Everyone's laughing, and smiling, but I can't help but feel sad watching Bailey and Michael. Every time they kiss,.touch, or even just look at each other is a stab to the heart.

Like I said Michael is my mate. I even consider him as my brother, but Bailey deserves better. Michael's done stuff over the past two months that no one knows about, but Ash and I. I mean what kind of guy am I? Just sitting back, watching her be with a guy that went behind her back.

"Luke you okay?" Ashton asks interrupting my thoughts "You kind of zoned out bud"

"Yeah I'm fine"

"You don't look fine."

"Why can't everyone leave me alone when I say I'm okay?"

"Because it's obvious you're upset"

"I told you I'm fine"

"Luke stop being such a girl" he groans "I heard yelling. I know something happened, and we're going to talk about it so get off your ass"

I feel like I have no choice,  if I don't agree with him this conversation will never end.

"Alright fine" I sigh rolling my eyes, and walking upstairs with him. We get inside the guest room, and I shut the door behind us.

"Okay spill Luke, what happened?"

"Okay so...."

I explain everything that happened from the moment she walked in to the moment she left. Going over the whole thing just made me feel even worse about what I said. I finish speaking and Ashton looks at me blankly.

"Well that was rude." 

"Wow Ash thanks I had no clue" I murmur rolling my eyes for what felt like the millionth time today. "It just pisses me off that she's with Michael, you know? Especially since I can't do shit about it"

"What if you could do something about it...?" he smirks

"What do you mean? Because if you're suggesting I tell her what happened, then you're out of your mind"

"No No not that, something better"

"Okay...I'm listening" this better be good.

"So Bailey had this major crush on you freshman year before her and Michael got together-"

"What the hell! How come no one told me?"

"Quiet Hemmo let me finish. So she really liked you, and I know she still must have at least some of those feelings"

"Okay, I don't see where you're going with this" I say confused

"Luke listen it's simple all we have to do is make her realize those feelings again, like make her jealous"

"And how exactly do you expect me to do that when she has a boyfriend?"

"I have a plan" he smirks

"I don't know Ash, it seems wrong you know?"

"How bad do you want her?"

"So fucking bad Ash" I groan "But do I really have to have some crazy plan in order for her to love me back?"

"Have you seen how attached she is to Michael, Luke? Yeah I think we're going to need a plan"

"Okay" I sigh "You're right, let's do this."


Evil Evil boys

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