Chapter 60 woot woot!

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Also since some of you forgot this is ANTHONY.

Bailey's p.o.v.

"Where's Alex going?" Ashley asks confused "She's leaving already?"

"Um no she just went to get some air"

"She's upset isn't she?" Nayeli sighs "And it's my fault"

"Nayeli don't say that, you didn't do anything wrong"

"Well I feel like I just completely home wrecked a relationship!"

"Its not even like that Alex and Cal have been over for years and as much as I love Alex she shouldn't have come back assuming things would be just like they were when she left"

"But he still loves her doesn't he?"

"Well yeah but not like he loves you..she's his first love you can't just forget about those"

"And what if he ends up falling for her all over again? Then what am I suppose to do?"

"Nayeli calm down don't get yourself worked up okay? Calum loves you and he's not going anywhere"

"Okay" she sighs leaning back into her chair "You're right I'm not about to stress myself out over this shit"

"That's the spirit" Anthony smiles playfully nudging her "Trust me worrying about someone not loving you back is something you don't want to do to just leads to problems" he says glancing in my direction.

"Yeah you're right guys, thanks"

"Its no problem" I smile "So I still have one last gift I need to open and then we can all do something alright?"

"Even me?" McKenzie asks "Because mommy doesn't let me hang out with the big kids"

"Well today you're going to be one of the big kids" I laugh "So pick out a movie or something and I'll be right back"

I walk upstairs and pull out the card Michael gave me then sit onto my bed and begin reading it.

Bailey, wow you're seventeen already it's amazing to see how time flies. It feels like just the other day we were those silly fourteen year olds causing trouble and playing out in your front yard. I have to say it's been a pleasure growing up with you. and an even bigger pleasure getting to call you mine for a while. I know things between us didn't work out, but I hope you remember that I'll always love you, and be here for you when you need me. I'd like to thank you for everything you've done for me. The constant chances, the love you've given me, the laughs you've given me, everything. You're truly growing up to be one of the greatest people I've ever known, and we're all so lucky to have you in our lives. I hope you continue to be the strong, beautiful and overall amazing person you are to this day. I'm sorry this gift isn't something extravagant but it's from the heart, I love you Bai and don't forget it.

Michael ❤

After finishing the beautiful note I begin tearing up. I grab my phone and dial Michael's number and he picks up immediately.

"Hey" he breaths into the phone "Did you read it?"

"Yeah I did" I sniffle wiping the tears from under my eyes "It was beautiful, thank you"

"Are you crying?"

"Yes but they're happy tears"

"Well I'm glad you liked it" he says and I can practically hear him smiling "But they're about to call us in so I have to go okay?"

Jealous Yet? //Luke Hemmings// [OFFICIAL]Where stories live. Discover now